
subject: Agriculture type: dataset

Total is 203 Results
Genetic and environmental variation in alfalfa forage yield from variety testing experiments conducted in North America between 1986 to 1999


Daniel Wiersma , Jeffrey Volenec ORCID logo , Stanislav Pejša ORCID logo , Sylvie Brouder ORCID logo , Wayne G. Hartman


The dataset contains data used to analyze genetic and environmental effects on alfalfa yield and agronomic performance. Data were compiled from alfalfa variety tests conducted by University researchers in the US and Canada from 1986 through 1999.

Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa alfalfa_db Forage yield Genetic improvement Genotype x environment Germplasm Lucerne Medicago Variety testing

Likely Extent of Agricultural Drainage in the U.S. Midwest


Ben Hancock , Benjamin Reinhart ORCID logo , Jane Frankenberger ORCID logo


This dataset provides 30 m resolution raster layers of the likely extent of drained agricultural lands in the U.S. Midwest based on soil and land use, and a file geodatabase with tables summarizing the extent by state, county, and HUC8 watershed boundary.

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Agriculture Drainage Geographic Information Systems (GIS) gSSURGO soil Data Midwest National Land Cover Database Soil Drainage Class Water

Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region 2020


Adam Nicholas Brock , Guohong Cai


This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2020 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.

Agriculture Agronomy Botany Botany and Plant Pathology Crop Science Plant Pathology Soybeans USDA-ARS

Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region 2021


Adam Nicholas Brock , Guohong Cai


This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2021 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.

Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Plant Pathology Soybeans USDA-ARS

Volume Measurement of Biological Materials in Livestock or Vehicular Settings Using Computer Vision


Dennis Buckmaster , Matthew B Rogers


A Velodyne Puck VLP-16 LiDAR and a Carnegie Robotics Multisense S21 stereo camera were compared for use in dusty agricultural conditions in a dust chamber. Next, the stereo camera was used for volume measurements in a feed bunk and in a grain truck.

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Agriculture Computer Vision LiDAR opencv robot operating system ros stereo vision

Arequipa Peru Agricultural Soil Chemistry with pXRF and VNIR spectroscopy


Abigail Tomasek , Cliff T Johnston , Darrell G Schulze ORCID logo , Erika J Foster ORCID logo , Juan Lopa Bolivar , Lucia Zuniga , Martha Jimenez Castaneda , Martin Villalta Soto , Sabina Yeasmin , Timothy Filley , Walter D. Leon-Salas , Zachary Brecheisen


Soil chemistry data for two agricultural areas: an irrigated desert in the Majes District and sites around the City of Arequipa. Data include soil wet chemistry (pH, EC, carbon, etc), and portable X-ray fluorescence and visible near infrared...

Agriculture Arequipa Nexus Institute EAPS Peru proximal spectroscopy soil chemistry soil health soil reflectance visible near infrared x-ray fluorescence

Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region 2018


Gary Nowling , Guohong Cai


This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2018 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.

Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Soybeans USDA-ARS

Combined annual crop yields and daily weather data for Midwest counties 1970-2015


Dennis Buckmaster , Elizabeth Bell ORCID logo , Madison Trout , Tyler Netherly


This data contains daily temperature and precipitation data as well as annual corn, soybean, and wheat yields for Midwest counties from 1970 to 2015.

Agriculture Big Data Crop yield Statistics Weather Data

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Results 131 - 140 of 203