subject: Forestry and Natural Resources
Jonathan A Knott
Songlin Fei
Aim Forest ecosystems in the United States (US) are facing major challenges such as climate change, exotic invasion, and fragmentation. It is widely believed that forest composition in the eastern US are transitioning from shade-intolerant,...
Fire Tolerance Forest Ecology Forestry and Natural Resources Mesophication Shade Tolerance
Andrew Liebhold
Brian Aukema
Samuel Ward
Songlin Fei
Abundance of larch casebearer (larvae, adults) on western larch in Oregon and Washington (1972-1995) along with parasitism rates from two imported biological control agents.
Benjamin Taylor
Kelly-Ann Dixon Hamil
Kurt Riitters
Samuel Ward
Songlin Fei
Data characterizing the number of invasive plants on Forest Inventory and Analysis (USDA Forest Service) plots across the eastern USA.
Forest Inventory Forestry and Natural Resources Invasive plants roads
Dataset for Behl et al. (in review) in which we conduct a bibliometric analysis of 6,500+ peer-reviewed publications generated over a 15-year period by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Sea Grant program.
Bibliometrics coastal f Forestry and Natural Resources NOAA publicly-funded research Sea Grant
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