subject: Agriculture type: dataset
Adam Nicholas Brock , Guohong Cai
This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2021 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.
Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Plant Pathology Soybeans USDA-ARS
Dennis Buckmaster , Matthew B Rogers
A Velodyne Puck VLP-16 LiDAR and a Carnegie Robotics Multisense S21 stereo camera were compared for use in dusty agricultural conditions in a dust chamber. Next, the stereo camera was used for volume measurements in a feed bunk and in a grain truck.
Agricultural and Biological Engineering Agriculture Computer Vision LiDAR opencv robot operating system ros stereo vision
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Suzanne M. Cunningham
Sylvie M. Brouder
W. Kess Berg
Concentrations of sugar, starch, protein, amino N, and RNA change in alfalfa taproots as plants acclimate for winter and when shoot growth resumes in spring. The direction and extent of these changes are altered by phosphorus and potassium...
Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa Amino Acid growth Medicago Nonstructural carbohydrates Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant persistence Potassium Fertilizer Protein Roots Shoot growth Starch reserves Sugar reserves Winter hardiness Yield components
James Krogmeier
Yaguang Zhang
GPS data for agricultural vehicles collected during wheat harvesting.
Activity Recognition Agriculture Digital Agriculture Electrical and Computer Engineering Field Shape GPS Matlab Traceability Wheat Harvesting
James Krogmeier
Yaguang Zhang
GPS data for agricultural vehicles collected during wheat harvesting.
Activity Recognition Agriculture Digital Agriculture Electrical and Computer Engineering Field Shape GPS Matlab Traceability Wheat Harvesting
Danielle Grogan
Iman Haqiqi
Thomas Hertel
Wolfram Schlenker
Metrics of heat stress, water stress, and compound extremes for agriculture for US counties for 1981-2015.
Agricultural Economics Agriculture climate impacts compound extremes heat stress water balance model water stress
Daniel W. Wiersma
Jeffrey Volenec
Stanislav Pejša
Sylvie Brouder
Wayne G. Hartman
A compiled dataset of the metadata for alfalfa varieties and experimental lines from the Alfalfa Variety Performance Database 1986 to 1999.
Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa Aphid resistance disease fall dormancy Flower color Grazing tolerance insect resistance Leafhopper resistance Lucerne Medicago Nematode resistance parentage Plant Pathology Root rot Winter survival yield improvement
Daniel Wiersma
Jeffrey Volenec
Stanislav Pejša
Sylvie Brouder
Wayne G. Hartman
The dataset contains data used to analyze genetic and environmental effects on alfalfa yield and agronomic performance. Data were compiled from alfalfa variety tests conducted by University researchers in the US and Canada from 1986 through 1999.
Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa alfalfa_db Forage yield Genetic improvement Genotype x environment Germplasm Lucerne Medicago variety Variety testing yield improvement
Alison J. Eagle
Cameron M. Pittelkow
Claudia Wagner-Riddle
Craig F. Drury
David E. Pelster
Douglas R. Smith
G. Philip Robertson
Gustavo Cambareri
Martin H. Chantigny
Rex A. Omonode
Rodney T. Venterea
Sylvie M. Brouder
Timothy B. Parkin
Tony J. Vyn
Dataset for meta-analysis establishing generalized relationship between N2O emissions and field-crop partial N balance. Quantifying on-farm N2O emissions for food-supply chains.
Agriculture Agronomy Greenhouse Gas Emissions Net Nitrogen Balance Nitrogen Nitrous Oxide row crops Surplus Nitrogen
Ian Kaplan
Kayleigh Hauri
Michael E. Scharf
Paola Olaya-Arenas
Files reporting data used in Olaya-Arenas et al 2020 study published in Scientific Reports on monarch performance when reared as larvae with varying pesticide types and concentrations.
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