Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Stephen M. Remias
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of the interchange roundabout at US 31 and 191st Street in Westfield, Indiana.
Civil Engineering construction time-lapse roundabout construction roundabout in a minute roundabout time-lapse
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of the crossover for the Sagamore Parkway bridge reconstruction project.
Civil Engineering crossover construction crossover time-lapse Sagamore Parkway bridge US 52 bridge US 52 bridge crossover Wabash River bridge crossover
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of sidewalk construction at the intersection of US 31 and 116th Street in Carmel, Indiana.
116th Street sidewalk Civil Engineering sidewalk construction sidewalk time-lapse
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Stephen M. Remias
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of the concrete safety barrier on US 31 near 106th Street in Carmel, Indiana.
Civil Engineering concrete barrier construction concrete safety barrier slip-form safety barrier construction safety barrier time-lapse slip-form construction
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of a concrete truck apron at the intersection of US 31 and 106th Street in Carmel, Indiana.
Civil Engineering roundabout truck apron roundabout truck apron construction truck apron construction truck apron time-lapse
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Stephen M. Remias
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of underdrains on US 31 near State Road 32 in Westfield, Indiana.
Civil Engineering construction time-lapse road underdrain underdrain construction underdrain construction time-lapse
Benjamin Theron Nelson-Mercer
Cary David Troy
Hannah R Tomkins
Historical aerial and satellite imagery is provided for the Indiana Lake Michigan coastline, from 1965-present. Additionally, shorelines traced from the imagery are available for most dates provided.
ArcGIS Civil Engineering Coastal Engineering Erosion Lake Michigan Shorelines Water Levels
Ramanujam Ramaswamy
Richard Ajagu
Runjia Du
Sam Labi
The Snow Route Generation tool helps INDOT’s winter operations personnel to generate snow removal routes in an optimal manner and minimize the deadhead miles of the trucks deployed in snow removal. The manual explains how to use the SRG tool.
Civil Engineering optimal snow routes python program snow removal Winter Operations
Christos Gkartzonikas
Konstantina Gkritza
Lisa Lorena Losada-Rojas
Raul F. Elizondo Candanedo
This file contains areas designated as highly transportation disadvantaged in Indianapolis. These two areas were outlined using three different measures and publicly available data. The methodology is replicable and can be used in other cities.
Autonomous Vehicles ccat Civil Engineering disadvantaged population GIS
3 journal articles and 3 conference articles were produced from this project. The research from this advanced research project was disseminated to over 200 people from industry, government, and academia.
ccat Civil Engineering crosswalks Pedestrian Behavior Pedestrian-Vehicle Interactions
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