
subject: Agriculture

Total is 205 Results
Datasets describing monarch immature and adult performance when reared on milkweed host-plants varying in pesticides


Ian Kaplan ORCID logo , Kayleigh Hauri , Michael E. Scharf ORCID logo , Paola Olaya-Arenas ORCID logo


Files reporting data used in Olaya-Arenas et al 2020 study published in Scientific Reports on monarch performance when reared as larvae with varying pesticide types and concentrations.

Agriculture Entomology milkweed monarchs pesticides

Arequipa Peru Agricultural Soil Chemistry with pXRF and VNIR spectroscopy


Abigail Tomasek , Cliff T Johnston , Darrell G Schulze ORCID logo , Erika J Foster ORCID logo , Juan Lopa Bolivar , Lucia Zuniga , Martha Jimenez Castaneda , Martin Villalta Soto , Sabina Yeasmin , Timothy Filley , Walter D. Leon-Salas , Zachary Brecheisen


Soil chemistry data for two agricultural areas: an irrigated desert in the Majes District and sites around the City of Arequipa. Data include soil wet chemistry (pH, EC, carbon, etc), and portable X-ray fluorescence and visible near infrared...

Agriculture Arequipa Nexus Institute EAPS Peru proximal spectroscopy soil chemistry soil health soil reflectance visible near infrared x-ray fluorescence

Genetic and environmental variation in alfalfa forage yield from variety testing experiments conducted in North America between 1986 to 1999


Daniel Wiersma , Jeffrey Volenec ORCID logo , Stanislav Pejša ORCID logo , Sylvie Brouder ORCID logo , Wayne G. Hartman


The dataset contains data used to analyze genetic and environmental effects on alfalfa yield and agronomic performance. Data were compiled from alfalfa variety tests conducted by University researchers in the US and Canada from 1986 through 1999.

Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa alfalfa_db Forage yield Genetic improvement Genotype x environment Germplasm Lucerne Medicago variety Variety testing yield improvement

Combined annual crop yields and daily weather data for Midwest counties 1970-2015


Dennis Buckmaster , Elizabeth Bell ORCID logo , Madison Trout , Tyler Netherly


This data contains daily temperature and precipitation data as well as annual corn, soybean, and wheat yields for Midwest counties from 1970 to 2015.

Agriculture Big Data Crop yield Statistics Weather Data

Potential Suitability for Subirrigation in the U.S. Midwest


Benjamin Reinhart ORCID logo , Feng Yu ORCID logo , Jane Frankenberger ORCID logo , Jason Ackerson ORCID logo


This series provides shapefiles showing the potential suitability, and limiting factors, for subirrigation in the U.S. Midwest based on gSSURGO soil data from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Agriculture Agronomy Drainage Geographic Information Systems (GIS) gSSURGO Irrigation Midwest Subirrigation Water Water Management

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Results 151 - 160 of 205