Bryan Murray
Mary K. Strickland
Michael A Jenkins
Zhao Ma
These data are from a quantitative literature review that was conducted to understand how the concept of resilience has been applied in forest research across the United States and Territories.
The dataset contains the data products developed in the mapping of Mars' northern polar spiral troughs. This included 3D depth maps of trough migration paths from radar data, and slope, azimuth, and wavelength measurements for surface troughs.
Carrie Pettus
Haeyong Chung
Marc K Rogers
Sudhir Aggarwal
Tathagata Mukherjee
Umit Karabiyik
The files include the user manual, implementation guides and code for the Goals, Dashboard, and backend system that make up the AI-SMS (SMS4CS) system. It also contains mobile device provisioning instructions and anonymous usage data.
Adnan Firoze
Akshaj Uppala
Bedrich Benes
Brady Hardiman
Daniel Aliaga
Lindsay Darling
Raymond Yeh
Songlin Fei
We use deep learning to provide a novel solution to map all trees on both public and private lands across 330 United States (U.S.) cities. This repository contains the dataset and code base.
Computer Science Computer Vision Ecology Pattern Recognition urban forestry urban tree
Benjamin A. Turschak
Elvita Eglite
Gabriel J. Bowen
Sarah R. Stein
Tomas O. Höök
Fish, prey, and ambient water were collected in southeast nearshore Lake Michigan and three river mouth systems. Characteristics include stable isotope ratios and fatty acid composition. Code represents calculations in MixSIAR and SIBER
Alewife Bayesian mixing models cross-habitat resource use DHA ecotones EPA fatty acid biomarkers food webs hydrogen Lake Michigan large lakes Laurentian Great Lakes resource subsidization river mouths Round Goby stable isotopes Yellow Perch
Amy M Marconnet
Ivan C. Christov
Pranay Praveen Nagrani
Zip files containing simulations, data, and post-processing scripts, used to generate the figures in the manuscript "Hydrodynamics of bubble flow through a porous medium with applications to packed bed reactors" by Nagrani, Marconnet...
CFD Fluid Mechanics microgravity multiphase flow NASA packed-bed reactor porous media
Prediction of the interfacially enhanced chemical reactivity in water droplets is facilitated by a combined theoretical and experimental analysis.
Anvesh Sunil Naik
Satyajit S Ambike
Grip force characteristics – grip-load coupling and mean grip force – and object movements during coupled, bimanual prehensile tasks. This bundle contains code to generate figures from the data and data for statistical analyses.
bimanual movements dynamic dominance grip force grip-load coupling human prehension tool use
Antonio Bobet
Jingqing Liu
Juan Esteban Jimenez-Pirajan
Database of case studies of earthquake-induced cracking of earth dams from 2000 to 2023. It includes information of the dams, earthquakes characteristics, and type and intensity of damage.
Brian Dilkes
Brian Sanderson
Christopher G Oakley
Gwonjin Lee
John McKay
Jon Ågren
Thomas Ellis
Data associated with the publication entitled: A large effect fitness trade-off across environments is explained by a single mutation affecting cold acclimation
antagonistic pleiotropy Arabidopsis thaliana cold acclimation Evolutionary biology genetic trade-off Local adaptation plasticity
Display #
Results 1651 - 1660 of 1939