
subject: Agriculture

Total is 205 Results
Monitored soil moisture and temperature in Indiana crop rotated field


Keith A Cherkauer ORCID logo , Laura C Bowling ORCID logo , Stuart D Smith


Soil moisture and temperature data were collected at five different depths from October 2017 to September 2019 in a crop rotated field.

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Agriculture Environment Hydrology Indiana Soil Moisture Soil Temperature Time Series Climate Data

Alfalfa Variety Trial Database, 1986-1999


Daniel Wiersma , Jeffrey Volenec , Stanislav Pejša ORCID logo , Sylvie Brouder , Wayne G. Hartman


An archived copy of the Alfalfa Variety Performance Database originally compiled in 2000 by Daniel W. Wiersma and Wayne G. Hartman. It contains data on yield, quality, and plant stand for over 2900 varieties from 700+ experiments conducted from...

Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa alfalfa_db Biotic stress Crop yield Forage quality Genotype x environment insect resistance Lucerne Medicago Pathogen resistance performance persistence Winter hardiness yield improvement

Agricultural Producer Perspectives on the Adoption of Conservation Practices, Water Quality, and Climate Change in Big Creek and Lime Creek Watersheds


Ajay Singh , Linda Stalker Prokopy ORCID logo


Summary report and interview transcripts of ag producer perspectives on conservation practices, water quality and climate change in Indiana and Iowa.

Agriculture Climate Change Conservation Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Interviews Iowa Water Quality

Laryngeal demasculinization in wild Cane Toads varies with land use


Marcos Gridi-Papp , Sara Zlotnik ORCID logo , Ximena E Bernal ORCID logo


We examined wild populations of cane toads near sugarcane fields in Florida and found evidence of demasculinization in both primary and secondary sexual traits in male toads. Males from sugarcane areas have reduced larynges than toads from the city.

Agriculture biological sciences cane toads Ecophysiology Endocrine disruptor Vocal cords

The Bioeconomy and Indiana: An Engineering Technology Pathway for Food Security


Chad Laux ORCID logo


This video session by Chad Laux, Assistant Professor in the Technology Leadership and Innovation Department, describes the Indiana Bioeconomy at the Purdue and Ivy Tech 2013 Engineering Technology Summit.

Advanced Technical Education Agriculture Bioeconomy Consumer Science Engineering Education Engineering Technology Engineering Technology Pathways Engineering Technology Summit 2013 Food Security National Science Foundation NSF Grant: 105582 Nutrition

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Results 161 - 170 of 205