
subject: Civil Engineering

Total is 265 Results
Purdue University Buildings Demolition, Construction Images, May 2015, MATH Building Camera


Alexander M. Hainen , Andrew Sydelko , Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , David Burford , Michael Witt ORCID logo


Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Active Learning Center.

Active Learning Center Building Construction Management building demolition Civil Engineering Construction Engineering and Management ENAD Demolition ENADALC Engineering Administration Building Heat and Power Plant-North Purdue University

Purdue University Buildings Demolition, Construction Images, May 2015, POTR Building Camera 1


Alexander M. Hainen , Andrew Sydelko , Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , David Burford , Michael Witt ORCID logo


Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Active Learning Center.

Active Learning Center Building Construction Management building demolition Civil Engineering Construction Engineering and Management ENAD Demolition ENADALC Engineering Administration Building Heat and Power Plant-North Purdue University

Purdue University Buildings Demolition, Construction Images, May 2015, POTR Building Camera 2


Alexander M. Hainen , Andrew Sydelko , Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , David Burford , Michael Witt ORCID logo


Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Active Learning Center.

Active Learning Center Building Construction Management building demolition Civil Engineering Construction Engineering and Management ENAD Demolition ENADALC Engineering Administration Building Heat and Power Plant-North Purdue University

Highly Transportation Disadvantaged Areas Indianapolis


Christos Gkartzonikas ORCID logo , Konstantina Gkritza ORCID logo , Lisa Lorena Losada-Rojas ORCID logo , Raul F. Elizondo Candanedo


This file contains areas designated as highly transportation disadvantaged in Indianapolis. These two areas were outlined using three different measures and publicly available data. The methodology is replicable and can be used in other cities.

Autonomous Vehicles ccat Civil Engineering disadvantaged population GIS

Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction in a CAV Environment: Explanatory Metrics


Jon Fricker , Yunchang Zhang ORCID logo


3 journal articles and 3 conference articles were produced from this project. The research from this advanced research project was disseminated to over 200 people from industry, government, and academia.

ccat Civil Engineering crosswalks Pedestrian Behavior Pedestrian-Vehicle Interactions

Multinomial Logit models raw data for Chicago and Indianapolis


Konstantina Gkritza ORCID logo , Lisa Lorena Losada-Rojas ORCID logo


These two files contain information regarding a travel survey when respondents share travel habits and opinions regarding travel easiness. It is also the first NHTS effort to include health-related data with travel data.

Autonomous Vehicles ccat Civil Engineering NHTS substitution patterns

Heavy Fleet and Facilities Optimization: Electronic Tool for Generating Optimal Snow Routes (Python Version)


Ramanujam Ramaswamy ORCID logo , Richard Ajagu , Runjia Du , Sam Labi ORCID logo


The Snow Route Generation tool helps INDOT’s winter operations personnel to generate snow removal routes in an optimal manner and minimize the deadhead miles of the trucks deployed in snow removal. The manual explains how to use the SRG tool.

Civil Engineering JTRP optimal snow routes python program snow removal Winter Operations

Development of In-vehicle Information Dissemination Mechanisms to Reduce Cognitive Burden in the Information-rich Driving Environment


Irina Benedyk ORCID logo , Shubham Agrawal ORCID logo , Srinivas Peeta


Processed driving simulator data collected at NEXTRANS Center, Purdue University. Data features synchronized EEG band powers around an instance of auditory travel information and contains demographic, information scenario, and trip details.

ccat Civil Engineering driver cognition driving simulator EEG travel information

In-vehicle Alerts for Conditionally Automated Vehicles


Dustin J Souders ORCID logo , Irina Benedyk ORCID logo , Shubham Agrawal ORCID logo , Srinivas Peeta , Yuntao Guo


Driving simulator study data collected at Purdue University from 2018-2019. Participants came in to the lab and completed the 2.5 hour long study that investigated the effects of different introductory information on take-over performance.

ccat Civil Engineering Conditionally automated driving graded warnings introductory materials SAE L3 take-over vehicle automation

Origin-Destination (O-D) Matrix from Indianapolis


Christos Gkartzonikas ORCID logo , Konstantina Gkritza ORCID logo , Lisa Lorena Losada-Rojas ORCID logo , Zimo Zhang


The Origin-Destination matrix for Indy contains the flows of the 42 Transportation Analysis Zones surrounding the Indianapolis area. It also presents the total amount of travel within each region.

ccat Civil Engineering environmental impacts Shared autonomous vehicles

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Results 161 - 170 of 265