Ayman F Habib
Darcy M. Bullock
Haydn A Malackowski
Justin Mahlberg
Mina Joseph
Myles Wayne Overall
Tony Johnson
This visualization shows a timelapse of a salt pile being moved from a barn to a dome and then back using a front-end loader on September 12 and 13, 2023.
Civil Engineering JTRP LiDAR management salt stockpile Weather Winter Operations
Ayman F Habib
Darcy M. Bullock
Greg Brinster
Haydn A Malackowski
Justin Mahlberg
Mina Joseph
Raja Manish
Yerassyl Koshan
This visualization shows RGB images, LiDAR images and estimated volume of the salt stockpile at the INDOT Lebanon Salt Facility throughout a winter storm.
Civil Engineering JTRP LiDAR management salt stockpile Weather Winter Operations
Ayman F Habib
Christopher Gartner
Darcy M. Bullock
Haydn Malackowski
Justin Mahlberg
Mina Joseph
Raja Manish
Yerassyl Koshan
This visualization shows RGB images, LiDAR point clouds, and estimated volumes of the salt stockpile at the INDOT Lebanon Salt Facility as salt was delivered to refill the facility after the winter season.
Civil Engineering JTRP LiDAR salt stockpile Weather Winter Operations
Angeli Jayme , Aravind Ramakrishnan , Fangyu Liu , Imad Al-Qadi
This study utilized a conventional Burger’s model, incorporating a nonlinear power-law dashpot. A new load-pass approach enabled a reduction in computational domain and cost. A graph neural network was established to extend the framework.
Shiyu Shen , Yanfeng Ouyang , Yuhui Zhai
This project aimed to address the challenges faced by on-demand mobility operators in understanding and addressing spatiotemporal random bipartite matching problems (ST-RBMPs).
agent-based simulation Autonomous Vehicles ccat Civil Engineering mobility on-demand mobility services spatiotemporal random bipartite matching problems
Apidej Sakulneya , Jeffery Roesler
This study explored new vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) technology in construction work zones (CWZ), where speeding, unsafe driving behaviors, and drivers' failure to obey traffic signs contribute significantly to elevated accident rates and fatalities.
ccat Civil Engineering Construction construction work zones safety V2I
Darcy M. Bullock
Howell Li
Jairaj Desai
Jijo K. Mathew
Total electric and hybrid vehicle miles travelled across 11 states and 1014 counties in the United States during the month of August 2021
charging Civil Engineering connected vehicle electric vehicle JTRP miles travelled
Amit H. Varma
Joshua Ryan Harmon
These files contain quick running MATLAB programs which conduct a SDOF analysis of a blast loaded two-way SC panels with fixed or simply-supported edge constraints. The programs can also generate isodamage pressure-impulse diagrams for two-way SC panels.
Blast Civil Engineering Pressure-Impulse Diagram protective design SDOF Analysis Steel plate composite structural engineering
Amit H. Varma
Ataollah Taghipour Anvari
Morgan Broberg
Soheil Shafaei
Mathcad sheets for the design examples in AISC Design Guide on SpeedCore Design.
C-PSW/CF Civil Engineering Composite plate shear wall concrete filled Seismic design SpeedCore Wind design
Benjamin Theron Nelson-Mercer
Cary David Troy
Hannah R Tomkins
Historical aerial and satellite imagery is provided for the Indiana Lake Michigan coastline, from 1965-present. Additionally, shorelines traced from the imagery are available for most dates provided.
ArcGIS Civil Engineering Coastal Engineering Erosion Lake Michigan Shorelines Water Levels
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Results 171 - 180 of 265