Margaret W. Gitau
Sushant Mehan
Climate data from ground-based climate stations obtained from National Climate Data Center and bias corrected climate values from different climate models for different emission scenarios for the entire Western Lake Erie Basin.
Agriculture Biological Engineering Climate Change Climate Projections Computational Biology Great Lakes Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hydroclimate Hydrologic Modeling Indiana Michigan Ohio Precipitation RCP8.5 Climate Projections Temperature Western Lake Erie Basin
Margaret Gitau
Sushant Mehan
The observed climate data and bias corrected climate projections based on data from sixteen different ground based climate stations from National Climatic Data Center for hydrology and climate change studies.
Agriculture Biological Engineering Climate Change Climate Projections Great Lakes Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hydrologic Modeling Indiana Lake Erie Maumee River Basin Michigan Ohio Precipitation Temperature Western Lake Erie Basin
Margaret Gitau
Sushant Mehan
Temporal climate projection data for 2006-2099 for sixteen different climate stations for the Western Lake Erie Basin. This dataset includes data for climate stations in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan.
Agriculture Biological Engineering Climate Change Climate Projections Great Lakes Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hydroclimate Hydrologic Modeling Indiana Michigan Ohio Precipitation Temperature Western Lake Erie Basin
Margaret Gitau
Sushant Mehan
Time series analysis of climate data using R
Agriculture Biological Engineering Climate Change Descriptive Statistics Extreme Event Analysis RStudio Statistical analysis Time Series Climate Data
Dennis Buckmaster , Madison Trout , Tyler Netherly
This data contains daily temperature and precipitation data as well as annual corn, soybean, and wheat yields for Midwest counties from 1970 to 2015.
Alison J Eagle , Ardell D. Halvorson , Bijesh Maharjan , Craig F. Drury , Douglas R. Smith , G. Philip Robertson , John P. Hoben , Rodney T. Venterea , Timothy B. Parkin
Data used in Eagle et al. 2017 (Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81:1191–1202; doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.09.0281). Fertilizer Management and Environmental Factors Drive N2O and NO3 Losses in Corn: A Meta-Analysis
4R Nutrient Management Agriculture Climate Change Corn Empirical Models Hierarchical Model IPNI Maize Meta-analysis Nitrate Leaching Nitrogen Nitrogen Fertilizer Nitrous Oxide North America Synthesis Water Quality
James Krogmeier
Yaguang Zhang
GPS data for agricultural vehicles collected during wheat harvesting.
Activity Recognition Agriculture Digital Agriculture Electrical and Computer Engineering Field Shape GPS Harvest Matlab Traceability Wheat
Brandon Schemerhorn , Gary Nowling , Guohong Cai , Steve Scofield
This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2016 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.
Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Plant Pathology Soybeans USDA-ARS
This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2017 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.
Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Plant Pathology Soybeans USDA-ARS
Abigail Tomasek
Cliff T Johnston
Darrell G Schulze
Erika J Foster
Juan Lopa Bolivar
Lucia Zuniga
Martha Jimenez Castaneda
Martin Villalta Soto
Sabina Yeasmin
Timothy Filley
Walter D. Leon-Salas
Zachary Brecheisen
Soil chemistry data for two agricultural areas: an irrigated desert in the Majes District and sites around the City of Arequipa. Data include soil wet chemistry (pH, EC, carbon, etc), and portable X-ray fluorescence and visible near infrared...
Agriculture Arequipa Nexus Institute EAPS Peru proximal spectroscopy soil chemistry soil health soil reflectance visible near infrared x-ray fluorescence
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Results 171 - 180 of 205