
subject: Agriculture type: dataset

Total is 203 Results
Engineering Technology Pathways - An Industry Roundtable Talk - Part 2


Chad Laux ORCID logo , Duane Dunlap , Steven K. Bardonner , Vearl Turnpaugh


This video session concludes an Industry roundtable discussion with students concerning technical education and the career from the 2013 Engineering Technology Summit.

Agriculture Engineering Education Engineering Technology Engineering Technology Pathways Engineering Technology Summit 2013 Entrepreneurship National Science Foundation NSF Grant: 105582

Engineering Technology Pathways - An Industry Roundtable Talk - Part 1


Chad Laux ORCID logo , Duane Dunlap , Steven K. Bardonner , Vearl Turnpaugh


This video session is an Industry roundtable discussion with students concerning technical education and the career from the 2013 Engineering Technology Summit.

Agriculture Engineering Education Engineering Technology Engineering Technology Pathways Engineering Technology Summit 2013 Entrepreneurship National Science Foundation NSF Grant: 105582

Virtual Learning Communities and ET Pathways: A Synopsis


Chad Laux ORCID logo , Dawn D. Laux , Michele Summers


This video session describes a virtual learning community with Dawn Laux, Michele Summers and Chad Laux at the Purdue and Ivy Tech 2013 Engineering Technology Summit.

Agriculture Engineering Education Engineering Technology Engineering Technology Pathways Engineering Technology Summit 2013 Entrepreneurship National Science Foundation NSF Grant: 105582 Virtual Learning Community

Agricultural Advisors’ Climate Risk Perceptions: 2013 Survey Data


Amber Mase , Cody Knutson , Jean McGuire , Linda S. Prokopy ORCID logo , Lois Morton , Maria Lemos , Melissa J. Widhalm ORCID logo , Stuart Carlton , Tonya Haigh


Agricultural advisors in 4 Midwestern states were surveyed in Feb 2013 about their climate risk perceptions, climate change beliefs, and willingness to use climate information.

Advisors Agriculture Climate Change Corn Belt Midwest Social Science Survey

A global dataset of agricultural experiments quantifying organic amendment impact on soil carbon


Courtland Kelly ORCID logo , Erika J. Foster ORCID logo , Timothy Filley


This database represents 62 field experiments that assess the impact of organic amendments on soil carbon fractions. The data include a set of moderators, such as climate, edaphic factors, and farm mangement details, and the soil C response...

Agriculture Carbon Conventional Farming Crop yield EAPS Nitrogen Organic Farming soil Soil Texture

Genetic and environmental variation in alfalfa forage yield from variety testing experiments conducted in North America between 1986 to 1999


Daniel Wiersma , Jeffrey Volenec ORCID logo , Stanislav Pejša ORCID logo , Sylvie Brouder ORCID logo , Wayne G. Hartman


The dataset contains data used to analyze genetic and environmental effects on alfalfa yield and agronomic performance. Data were compiled from alfalfa variety tests conducted by University researchers in the US and Canada from 1986 through 1999.

Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa alfalfa_db Forage yield Genetic improvement Genotype x environment Germplasm Lucerne Medicago variety Variety testing yield improvement

Farmers' Climate Risk Perceptions and Use of Climate Information: 2016 Survey Data


Ajay Singh , Amber Mase , Jackie Getson , Jenna Klink , Laura Esman , Linda Stalker Prokopy ORCID logo , Melissa Widhalm ORCID logo , Tonya Haigh ORCID logo , Vikram Koundinya


Midwestern farmers were surveyed in late 2016 to measure their perceptions and attitudes about weather and climate, their awareness of the U2U project, and their use of U2U tools.

Agriculture Corn Belt Farmers Midwest Survey U2U

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Results 171 - 180 of 203