
subject: Chemistry

Total is 33 Results
Structure-function relationships of cholesterol mobilization from the endo-lysosome compartment of NPC1-deficient human cells by β-CD polyrotaxanes


David H Thompson ORCID logo , Judith Storch


2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin containing polyrotaxanes represent an attractive approach for treatment of a rare metabolic disorder Niemann-Pick Type C.

Chemistry Cholesterol Niemann-Pick β-CD polyrotaxanes

Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Assessment of IDH Mutation Status in Human Glioma


Mahdiyeh Shahi ORCID logo , Robert Graham Cooks ORCID logo


This data includes tandem mass spectrometry results from human glioma to detect isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutations. Product-ion scanning and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) were done using a linear ion trap (LIT) and a triple quadrupole (TQ).

Chemistry Mass Spectrometry

Interfacial Chemical Reactivity Enhancement


Dor Ben-Amotz ORCID logo


Prediction of the interfacially enhanced chemical reactivity in water droplets is facilitated by a combined theoretical and experimental analysis.

adsorption air-water Chemistry surface air Water

Source Data for Organic Optoelectronic Synapse


Ashkan Abtahi , Habtom B Gobeze , Hang Hu , Inho Song , Jianguo Mei , Ke Chen ORCID logo , Kirk S. Schanze , Won-June Lee


Source data for manuscript 'Organic Optoelectronic Synapse Based on Photon-Modulated Electrochemical Doping ' ( 10.1038/s41566-023-01232-x)

Chemistry electrochemical device image memorization and recognition organic optoelectronic synapse

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Results 11 - 20 of 33