Alicia West
Garrett S Verhagen
Terry D West
Tony J Vyn
Nutrient content (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, B, and Al) of corn grain and shoot at maturity across five site-years (2015-2019) under tillage, crop rotation, and nitrogen treatments. Part of the Long-Term Tillage study in West Lafayette, IN.
Agronomy chisel-plow cob nutrient conservation tillage Corn crop rotation grain moisture grain nutrient Grain Yield Maize moldboard-plow Nitrogen no-till nutrient content nutrient removal nutrient uptake plant height plant population planting date Purdue University ridge-till Soybean stover nutrient strip-till
Mitchell R Tuinstra
Seth A Tolley
Remote sensing data evaluates all row segments of a plot, but the repeatability of traits from different row segments has not been evaluated. We evaluated which row segments provide the best repeatability and yield prediction of remote sensing traits.
Border effect High-throughput Phenotyping hyperspectral LiDAR Maize Plot trimming Predictive modelling Remote Sensing RGB Sorghum UAV
Mitchell R Tuinstra
Seth A Tolley
Genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI) is among the greatest challenges for maize breeding programs. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate genetic parameters and perform genomic prediction using a reaction norm model.
Agronomy G2F Genome-Wide Association Study Genomes 2 Fields Genomic Prediction Genotype-by-environment Interaction Grain Yield GxE Maize Multi-environment Trial Reaction Norm Model
Mitchell R Tuinstra
Seth A Tolley
The objective of this study was to assess genetic parameters and perform single- and multi-trait genomic prediction of grain yield and yield components assessed through ear photometry in three testcross populations of either temperate or tropical descent.
Ear Photometry Ear photometry in maize testcrosses Genomic Prediction Grain Yield Maize Multi-Trait Genomic Prediction Single-Trait Genomic Prediction Temperate Germplasm Tropical Germplasm Yield components
Geoffrey Alistair Sanchez
Peter Bermel
Volumetric water content (m^3/m^3) data for agrivoltaic experimental setup. Here will also be the data which was inputed based off a k-fold Bayesian Regularization Neural Network.
agrivoltaics Bayesian Regularization Neural Network Maize Soil Moisture
Elizabeth K. Grubbs
Geoffrey Alistair Sanchez
Margaret W Gitau
Mitchell R Tuinstra
Peter Bermel
Rakesh Agrawal
Shelby Gruss
Val Schull
Volumetric water content (m^3/m^3) data, maize yield, silking/anthesis, height data for agrivoltaic experimental setup. Here will also be the data which was inputed based off a k-fold Bayesian Regularization Neural Network.
agrivoltaics Bayesian Regularization Neural Network Crop yield Maize Soil Moisture
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Results 11 - 16 of 16