
subject: JTRP type: dataset

Total is 56 Results
Hard-braking event dataset for I-35, TX


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Howell Li , Jijo K. Mathew ORCID logo , Matthew Blackwell


This data set illustrates the daily variation in hard-braking events for a 500-mile section of I-35 in Texas.

Civil Engineering connected vehicle crashes hard-braking JTRP traffic safety

Time Lapse of Weather, Road Speeds, and INDOT Trucks and Salt Trails During a Winter Storm from December 22 to 25, 2022


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Howell Li ORCID logo , Jairaj Desai ORCID logo , Justin Mahlberg , Myles Wayne Overall ORCID logo


This time lapse shows interstate traffic speeds, doppler weather data, salt trails, and telematics data from Indiana Department of Transportation trucks during a winter storm on December 22 to 25, 2022.

Connected Vehicle Data JTRP Snowplows Telematics Weather Winter Operations

Applications of Production Vehicle Road Roughness Data Before and After Pavement Construction


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Howell Li ORCID logo , Justin Mahlberg


This visualization shows a synced view of a road improvement project before the project began and after. The video also displays the international roughness index value for each respective tenth mile before and after construction.

Civil Engineering connected vehicles evaluation International Roughness Index IRI JTRP management Pavement Pavement Quality

Timelapse of weather, road speeds, INDOT trucks, and salt trails during a winter storm from October 30 to November 1, 2023


Christopher Michael Gartner , Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Howell Li ORCID logo , Jairaj Chetas Desai ORCID logo , Justin Mahlberg


This timelapse shows interstate traffic speeds, doppler weather data, telematics data, and salt trail data from Indiana Department of Transportation trucks during a winter storm beginning on October 30 to November 2, 2023.

connect vehicle data JTRP Snowplows Telematics Weather Winter Operations

Heavy Fleet and Facilities Optimization: Electronic Tool for Generating Optimal Snow Routes (Python Version)


Ramanujam Ramaswamy ORCID logo , Richard Ajagu , Runjia Du , Sam Labi ORCID logo


The Snow Route Generation tool helps INDOT’s winter operations personnel to generate snow removal routes in an optimal manner and minimize the deadhead miles of the trucks deployed in snow removal. The manual explains how to use the SRG tool.

Civil Engineering JTRP optimal snow routes python program snow removal Winter Operations

Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Miles Travelled Dataset


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Howell Li ORCID logo , Jairaj Desai , Jijo K. Mathew ORCID logo


Total electric and hybrid vehicle miles travelled across 11 states and 1014 counties in the United States during the month of August 2021

charging Civil Engineering connected vehicle electric vehicle JTRP miles travelled

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