
subject: biological sciences

Total is 16 Results
Signal synchrony and alternation among neighbor males in a Japanese Stream Breeding Treefrog, Buergeria japonica


Henry D Legett ORCID logo , Ikkyu Aihara , Ximena E Bernal ORCID logo


We examined call timing strategies of the Ryukyu Kajika frog showing variation in temporal signaling strategies within a species with a call type that is synchronized with neighbors and another one that is produced alternating.

acoustic communication animal communication biological sciences Buergeria japonica call timing synchronized signals synchrony

Input from torus longitudinalis drives binocularity and spatial summation in zebrafish optic tectum


Estuardo Robles ORCID logo


In this study we demonstrate that torus longitudinalis feedback projections to tectum drive binocular integration and spatial summation in a defined tectal circuit. These findings reveal a novel role for the zebrafish torus longitudinalis.

biological sciences fluorescence microscopy Matlab Neuroscience research Vision zebrafish

A genetic labeling system to study dendritic spine development in zebrafish


Elisabeth C DeMarco , Estuardo Robles ORCID logo , George R Stoner


We have developed a genetic labeling system in zebrafish to enable high resolution in vivo imaging of dendritic spine dynamics during larval development.

biological sciences fluorescence microscopy Neuroscience Research Data Depot

The establishment history of three invasive anuran species across the Florida peninsula


Andrew Joseph Mularo ORCID logo , James Andrew DeWoody ORCID logo , Ximena E Bernal ORCID logo


Associated data downloaded from both VertNet and the USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database for the publication "The establishment history of three invasive anuran species across the Florida peninsula"

biological sciences Eleutherodactylus planirostris Osteopilus septentrionalis Rhinella marina

Lindenwood Nature Preserve Plant Survey


Jordan M Marshall ORCID logo


Purdue University Fort Wayne BIOL 50100 Field Botany course service-learning project surveying understory, midstory, and overstory plant communities at Lindenwood Nature Preserve.

biological sciences Biology Botany Forest Nature Preserve plant survey

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