Ajay Singh
Amber Mase
Courtney Robinson
Jenna Klink
Linda Stalker Prokopy
Melissa Widhalm
Sarah Church
Tonya Haigh
Vikram Koundinya
Midwestern agricultural advisors were surveyed in late 2016 to measure their perceptions and attitudes about weather and climate, their awareness of the U2U project, and their use of U2U tools.
Advisors Agriculture Climate Change Corn Belt Midwest Social Science Survey U2U
Charlotte O'Brien
Ellen Thomas
James Super
Leanne Elder
Mark Pagani
Matthew Huber
Pincelli Hull
This is supporting material for "The enigma of Oligocene climate and global surface temperature evolution" published in PNAS in 2020 by O'Brien et al.
Climate Change climate modeling Earth and Atmospheric Sciences ice volume organic biomarkers oxygen isotopes Paleoclimate Sea level rise
This dataset contains photos and videos documenting sampling locations in and around Mount Hood National Forest and Glacier National Park.
alpine Climate Change EAPS glacier Glacier National Park glaciers Mount Hood National Forest springs
Tillage affected relationships between N2O and NRE; stronger negative linear relationships under no-till and strip-till compared to moldboard. Ecological intensification increased grain yield without significant increase of N2O emission.
4R 4R N management Agronomy Climate Change Corn Crop Science Ecological Intensification Emission Factor Farmer's Practice Grain Nitrogen Uptake IPNI Purdue N Timing Nitrogen Recovery Efficiency Nitrogen Use Efficiency Nitrous Oxide Split N application Tillage Total Nitrogen Uptake Yield-Scaled N2O
Christopher M. Oswalt
Jonathan Knott
Michael A. Jenkins
Songlin Fei
This dataset contains the distribution of forest communities across the eastern United States at T1 (1980-1995) and T2 (2015-2017) and the species comprising these communities.
Climate Change Forest Inventory and Analysis Forestry and Natural Resources Latent Dirichlet Allocation Regional Forest Communities Spatial Shifts
Various levels of representations of biogeochemical processes in current biogeochemistry models contribute to uncertainty in carbon budget quantification. Detailed microbial mechanisms were incorporated into TEM 5.0 (Terrestrial Ecosystem Model).
Arctic Region Biogeochemistry Carbon Dynamics Climate Change EAPS Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Microbial-Based Model Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM)
Dan Kou
Dongsheng Zhao
Du Zheng
Lei Liu
Qianlai Zhuang
Yuanhe Yang
Dataset about the effects of permafrost degradation on C and N cycling on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in the 21st century
Carbon Sequestration Climate Change Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Matlab Nitrogen Availability Permafrost degradation Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Ajay Singh
Linda Stalker Prokopy
Summary report and interview transcripts of ag producer perspectives on conservation practices, water quality and climate change in Indiana and Iowa.
Agriculture Climate Change Conservation Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Interviews Iowa Water Quality
Margaret W. Gitau
Sushant Mehan
Climate data from ground-based climate stations obtained from National Climate Data Center and bias corrected climate values from different climate models for different emission scenarios for the entire Western Lake Erie Basin.
Agriculture Biological Engineering Climate Change Climate Projections Computational Biology Great Lakes Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hydroclimate Hydrologic Modeling Indiana Michigan Ohio Precipitation RCP8.5 Climate Projections Temperature Western Lake Erie Basin
Margaret Gitau
Sushant Mehan
The observed climate data and bias corrected climate projections based on data from sixteen different ground based climate stations from National Climatic Data Center for hydrology and climate change studies.
Agriculture Biological Engineering Climate Change Climate Projections Great Lakes Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hydrologic Modeling Indiana Lake Erie Maumee River Basin Michigan Ohio Precipitation Temperature Western Lake Erie Basin
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