
subject: Mechanical Engineering type: dataset

Total is 32 Results
Effect of Droplet Collisions on Evaporation in Spray-drying


Aaron Morris , Siavash Zamani ORCID logo


Included is the main code for the two "collision" and "no collision" models. a sample data for solids fraction of 3e-4 is provided for Weber numbers of 10 and 150.

Droplet Collision Evaporation Mechanical Engineering multiphase flow spray-drying

A data assimilation method for analysis of cavitation bubble dynamics


Arezoo Ardekani , Javad Eshraghi ORCID logo , Pavlos Vlachos ORCID logo


Here, we present a novel state-observer data-assimilation technique designed to fuse time-resolved cavitation bubble diameter measurements with a governing model to yield enhanced Spatio-temporal prediction of the cavitation bubble dynamics.

Cavitation Data assimilation Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics image processing Mechanical Engineering Physics PID controller

Dataset of Cost and Schedule Overruns in 19 DoD Acquisition Programs (2003-2017)


Ashish M. Chaudhari ORCID logo , Atharva Hans ORCID logo , Ilias Bilionis ORCID logo , Jitesh Panchal ORCID logo


This database is part of the following paper (in review): Hans, A., Chaudhari, A. M., Bilionis, I., Panchal, J. H., (2021) "A Mixed-Method Analysis of Cost and Schedule Growth in Defense Acquisition Programs", ASME DAC, August 17-21st

cost overrun defense acquisitions Mechanical Engineering schedule growth

Pore-scale statistics of flow and transport through porous media


Arezoo M. Ardekani , Pavlos P. Vlachos ORCID logo , Soroush Aramideh


Simulation data for pore-scale statistics of flow and transport through porous media

DNS Fluid Mechanics Mechanical Engineering Pore-scale porous media Sandstone

X-ray radiography datasets for tomographic reconstruction of liquid jet breakup dynamics


Naveed Al Hasib Rahman ORCID logo


Quantitative tomographic X-ray measurements of liquid breakup dynamics in doublet impinging jet sprays are explored. The datasets included allow for time-resolved 4D volumetric and time-averaged 2D planar reconstructions of an impinging jet spray.

high-speed imaging impinging jet spray liquid mass distribution Mechanical Engineering synchrotron tomography X-ray radiography X-ray tube source

ABAQUS Code for the Simulation of Tubes Consisting of Topologically Interlocked Building Blocks


Kyle Patrick Mahoney , Thomas H Siegmund ORCID logo


A set of three input files for ABAQUS models to simulate the response of tubes built from topologically interlocked building blocks.

Abaqus architectured tubes Finite Element Analysis mechanical Mechanical Engineering

STL Files for Tubes Built of Topologically Interlocking Building Blocks


Kyle Patrick Mahoney , Thomas H Siegmund ORCID logo


This data set contains STL files to use for 3D printing of tubes made of topologically interlocked building blocks.

3-D Printing architectured tubes Geometry Mechanical Engineering Topology tubes

Error-State Kalman Filter for Online Evaluation of Ankle Angle


Ahmed Khaled Soliman , Andres Torres , Guilherme A. Ribeiro , Mo Rastgaar ORCID logo


Raw Data for an Error-State Kalman Filter (ESKF) for Online Evaluation of Ankle Ankle (in 2-DOF), using a 2-IMU setup.

Acceleration Biomedical Engineering Engineering Technology Matlab software Mechanical Engineering Robotics

Jupyter notebook and SimVascular case files for "Flow rate--pressure drop relations for slender compliant tubes"


Ivan C. Christov ORCID logo , Shrihari Dhananjay Pande , Xiaojia Wang


The Jupyter Notebook makes the plots in the manuscript "Flow rate--pressure drop relations for new configurations of slender compliant tubes arising in microfluidics experiments" by Wang, Pande & Christov (2022). Zip file provides SimVascular case files.

elastic deformation fluid-structure interactions laminar flow lubrication theory Mechanical Engineering microfluidics soft hydraulics viscous fluid flow

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