
subject: Kenya type: dataset

Total is 15 Results
Soil Property Data for Spatial Prediction of Soil Properties for the Busia Area, Kenya


Darrell Schulze ORCID logo , Joshua Minai


Soil property data mined from the Reconnaissance Soil Survey of the Busia Area (quarter degree sheet No. 101) for digital soil mapping.

Agronomy Busia Area Digital Soil Mapping Equal Area Quadratic Smoothing Spline Function Kenya R ithir Package RStudio

Precipitation and Temperature Data from 10 CMIP6 Models for Select 5 Stations in Kenya


Bancy Mati , Daniel Moriasi , James Kisekka , Margaret W Gitau ORCID logo , Nicholas Kiggundu , Subira E Munishi , Victor Kongo , Victoria M Garibay


This dataset contains daily precipitation and minimum and maximum surface air temperature data retrieved from 100m resolution CMIP6 outputs from 1850-Jan-01 to 2100-Dec-31 for four different future scenarios from 10 models for 5 Kenyan cities.

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Climate CMIP6 Hydroclimate Hydrologic Modeling Kenya laser_pulse Precipitation Temperature Water Quality Modeling Water Resources water security

Data for A retrospective feasibility study of agricultural education in Africa using YouTube multilingual animations


Anne Lutomia ORCID logo , Barry Robert Pittendrigh , John William Medendorp ORCID logo , Julia Bello-Bravo ORCID logo , Norman Peter Reeves ORCID logo , Victor Giancarlo Sal y Rosas Celi


The goal of this study is to assess the feasibility of reaching language-diverse populations in Africa using culturally and linguistically localized, computer-animated training videos placed on YouTube and promoted through paid advertising.

Agricultural Education Ghana ICT4D. Information and communication technologies Kenya Learning at-scale Nigeria Precision international development youtube

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Results 11 - 15 of 15