
subject: EAPS type: dataset

Total is 63 Results
Improved Simulation of Monsoon Depressions and Heavy Rains from Direct and Indirect Initialization of Soil Moisture over India


A K Das , Dev S. Niyogi , H P Nayak , Krishna K Osuri , Kumar Ankur , Raghavendra Raju Nadimpalli ORCID logo , U C Mohanty


Each file contains various meteorological fields such as air temperature, rainfall, moisture, rainfall, and surface fields (soil moisture and soil temperature).

ARW model EAPS FASDAS HRLDAS Monsoon Depressions soil moisture simulation Soil Temperature

Wabash River Baseflow Dataset 2015


Marty D Frisbee ORCID logo


This dataset contains the geochemical and isotopic data from the 2015 baseflow sampling campaign in the Wabash River watershed.

aqueous geochemistry baseflow chlorine-36 EAPS Groundwater stable isotopes strontium isotopes Watershed

Arequipa Peru Agricultural Soil Chemistry with pXRF and VNIR spectroscopy


Abigail Tomasek , Cliff T Johnston , Darrell G Schulze ORCID logo , Erika J Foster ORCID logo , Juan Lopa Bolivar , Lucia Zuniga , Martha Jimenez Castaneda , Martin Villalta Soto , Sabina Yeasmin , Timothy Filley , Walter D. Leon-Salas , Zachary Brecheisen


Soil chemistry data for two agricultural areas: an irrigated desert in the Majes District and sites around the City of Arequipa. Data include soil wet chemistry (pH, EC, carbon, etc), and portable X-ray fluorescence and visible near infrared...

Agriculture Arequipa Nexus Institute EAPS Peru proximal spectroscopy soil chemistry soil health soil reflectance visible near infrared x-ray fluorescence

Groundwater chemistry within Arequipa, Peru in the Characato, Chiguata, and Lagunas Salinas study areas


Elizabeth Olson , Lisa R. Welp ORCID logo , Marty D. Frisbee ORCID logo , Odiney Alvarez Campos


We identified recharge zones and groundwater flowpaths supporting springs near Arequipa, Peru using general chemistry and isotopic tracers (δ18O, δ2H, and 3H) in springs, surface waters, and precipitation sampled from March 2019 through February...

Andes Arequipa Arequipa Nexus Institute Chemistry EAPS Groundwater Peru recharge salar stable isotopes

Failure pattern around the borehole in elastic and strength anisotropic rock formations


Douglas R Schmitt ORCID logo , Wei Li , Wenjing Wang


A Matlab-based algorithm that predicts the development of borehole breakouts in elastic and strength anisotropic rock formations using Lekhnitskij-Amadei (LA) equations.

anisotropy EAPS failure pattern Matlab single plane of weakness wellbore stability analysis

Data for Intercomparison of thermal regime algorithms in 1-D lake models


Huaxia Yao , L. Ruby Leung , Malgorzata Golub , Mingyang Guo ORCID logo , Qianlai Zhuang ORCID logo , Zeli Tan


This dataset includes the model intercomparison results using the Arctic Lake Biogeochemistry Model (ALBM) and codes for analysis.

EAPS global lake thermal dynamics lake model model intercomparison

Photos and videos documenting spring emergences and sampling locations in and around Mount Hood National Forest and Glacier National Park


Jordyn Beth Miller ORCID logo


This dataset contains photos and videos documenting sampling locations in and around Mount Hood National Forest and Glacier National Park.

alpine Climate Change EAPS glacier Glacier National Park glaciers Mount Hood National Forest springs

Precipitation stable isotopes from West Lafayette, IN, collection from Sep 8, 2015 to Jun 21, 2018


Alexandra L Meyer ORCID logo , Janine Sparks , Lisa Welp-Smith


Event-based precipitation samples collected in West Lafayette, Indiana in a simple rain gauge. Precipitation is analyzed for hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope ratios in Prof. Lisa Welp’s lab at Purdue University in the EAPS department.

EAPS Precipitation precipitation isotopes stable isotopes water isotopes

A global dataset of agricultural experiments quantifying organic amendment impact on soil carbon


Courtland Kelly ORCID logo , Erika J. Foster ORCID logo , Timothy Filley


This database represents 62 field experiments that assess the impact of organic amendments on soil carbon fractions. The data include a set of moderators, such as climate, edaphic factors, and farm mangement details, and the soil C response...

Agriculture Carbon Conventional Farming Crop yield EAPS Nitrogen Organic Farming soil Soil Texture

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