
subject: Gene Regulation

Total is 17 Results
Positions of predicted CTCF binding sites and unique A and B-repeats in the build hg19 of the Human Genome


Minou Bina ORCID logo


Supplementary materials for a publication entitled “Assessment of the CTCF Binding Sites and Repeat-Positions Upstream the Human H19 Gene“ Bina, M. January 2018, bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/250407

Binding Sites Chemistry Chromatin Boundaries Cohesin CTCF Gene Regulation Genomic imprinting Genomics H19 Human Genome IGF2 RAD21 SMC3

Density of ZFBS-Morph overlaps in the build bosTau8 of the Bos taurus genome


Minou Bina ORCID logo , Phillip Wyss , Xiaohui Song


This publication provides a file (in wig.gz format) for displaying the density of ZFBS-Morph overlaps in the build bosTau8 of the cow genome.

Chemistry Codes in DNA DMRs Gene Regulation Genomic imprinting Germline DMRs ICRs Imprinting Control Regions KMT2A MLL1 Binding Sites MLL1 morphemes ZFP57

Position of MLL1 morphemes in human genomic DNA


Daidong Wang , Elise Novorolsky , Minou Bina ORCID logo , Noorfatin J. Zulkefl , Phillip J. Wyss


Supplementary materials for the publication entitled “Discovery of MLL1 binding units, their localization to CpG Islands, and their potential function in mitotic chromatin.” Bina M, Wyss P, et al. BMC Genomics. 14:927 (2013).

Binding Sites Bioinformatics Cell division Chemistry Chromatin structure Cis-elements Codes in DNA CpG islands Gene bookmarking Gene Regulation Mammalian genomes Mitosis MLL MLL binding sites Mouse genome Regulatory codes TREs Trithorax response elements

Localization of MLL1 morphemes in mouse mm9 genomic DNA


Daidong Wang , Minou Bina ORCID logo , Phillip J. Wyss , Xiaohui C. Song


Supplementary materials for the publication entitled “Discovery of MLL1 binding units, their localization to CpG Islands, and their potential function in mitotic chromatin.” Bina M, Wyss P, et al. BMC Genomics. 14:927 (2013)

Binding Sites Cell division Chemistry Chromatin structure Cis-elements Codes in DNA CpG islands Gene bookmarking Gene Regulation Mammalian genomes Mitosis MLL MLL binding sites Mouse genome Regulatory codes TREs Trithorax response elements

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