subject: Agriculture subject: Climate Change
Margaret Gitau
Sushant Mehan
Temporal climate projection data for 2006-2099 for sixteen different climate stations for the Western Lake Erie Basin. This dataset includes data for climate stations in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan.
Agriculture Biological Engineering Climate Change Climate Projections Great Lakes Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hydroclimate Hydrologic Modeling Indiana Michigan Ohio Precipitation Temperature Western Lake Erie Basin
Amber Mase
Cody Knutson
Jean McGuire
Linda S. Prokopy
Lois Morton
Maria Lemos
Melissa J. Widhalm
Stuart Carlton
Tonya Haigh
Agricultural advisors in 4 Midwestern states were surveyed in Feb 2013 about their climate risk perceptions, climate change beliefs, and willingness to use climate information.
Advisors Agriculture Climate Change Corn Belt Midwest Social Science Survey
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