Bianca Rendon
Brian C Leavell
Gil Menda
Hoover Pantoja
Jian Zhou
Neil D. Sanscrainte
Ronald N Miles
Ronald R Hoy
W.A. Priyanka P. de-Silva
Ximena E Bernal
Data and codes used to investigate behavioral, neurophysiological and biomechanical traits associated with the evolution of hearing in mosquitoes
antenna biological sciences eavesdropping frog Hearing mosquito sensory biases
Adrián García-Rodríguez
Catherine L. Searle
Hector H. Zumbado-Ulate
Globally, numerous amphibian species have declined due to the introduction of the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). In Central America, the current prevalence and infection intensity suggest that Bd infection is endemic and...
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis biological sciences chytridiomycosis disease habitat suitability histology host qPCR
Elisabeth C DeMarco
Estuardo Robles
George R Stoner
We have developed a genetic labeling system in zebrafish to enable high resolution in vivo imaging of dendritic spine dynamics during larval development.
biological sciences fluorescence microscopy Neuroscience Research Data Depot
Catherine Searle
Hector H Zumbado-Ulate
List of CSV files used to produce the models
amphibian declines Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis biological sciences disease Habitat Loss habitat suitability species range
Andrew Joseph Mularo
James Andrew DeWoody
Ximena E Bernal
Associated data downloaded from both VertNet and the USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database for the publication "The establishment history of three invasive anuran species across the Florida peninsula"
biological sciences Eleutherodactylus planirostris Osteopilus septentrionalis Rhinella marina
Purdue University Fort Wayne BIOL 50100 Field Botany course service-learning project surveying understory, midstory, and overstory plant communities at Lindenwood Nature Preserve.
biological sciences Biology Botany Forest Nature Preserve plant survey
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