subject: Biomedical Engineering
Ahmed Khaled Soliman
Andres Torres
Chang Heon Lee
Guilherme A. Ribeiro
Li-fan Wu
Mo Rastgaar
Estimating gait realtime through 2 wearable sensors and a PCA based linear regression model.
Acceleration Biomedical Engineering Machine Learning Mechanical Engineering PCA Robotics Stepwise Multiple linear Regression Wearable Device
Jiacheng Zhang
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Vitaliy Rayz
Data and source code to enhance the blood flow measurements and the hemodynamic analysis with 4D flow MRI in cerebral aneurysms using multi-modality data and sparse representation.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Fluid Mechanics MRI PIV
Benjamin Dickerhoff
David Saloner
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Susanne Schnell
Vitaliy Rayz
Data from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models, processed using Shake the Box (STB). Associated in vivo MRI and CFD datasets are also provided.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box
Matthew C Pharris
Tamara L Kinzer-Ursem
This model uses a specialized rule-based syntax in MCell 3.3 to model the twelve-subunit CaMKII holoenzyme without inducing combinatorial explosion. The model allows us to explore the regulation of CaMKII activation and autophosphorylation.
Biomedical Engineering Calmodulin Computational Modeling Neuroscience Protein Signaling
Matthew C Pharris
Tamara L Kinzer-Ursem
This model uses a specialized rule-based syntax in MCell 3.3 to model the twelve-subunit CaMKII holoenzyme without inducing combinatorial explosion. The model allows us to explore the regulation of CaMKII activation and autophosphorylation.
Biomedical Engineering Calcium Calmodulin Computational Modeling Kinase Neuroscience Protein Signaling Rule-Based Modeling Synaptic Plasticity
Ho-Ching Yang
Joseph V Rispoli
Thomas M Talavage
Wenbin Zhu
Yukai Zou
Unbiased population-specific brain templates for local adolescent collision-sport athletes in the longitudinal database of Purdue Neurotrauma Group, including a T1-weighted template and a DTI template.
Adolescents Atlasing Biomedical Engineering Brain Informatics Morphometrics MRI Neuroscience NIfTI Spatial Normalization Spatial Warping Statistical Methods Trauma Workflow
Julia Fraseur
Tamara L Kinzer-Ursem
Coomassie-stained gels used in semi-quantitative analysis of purified calcineurin from calmodulin Sepharose resins.
Joseph Wallace
Matthew R Allen
Max A Hammond
Thomas Siegmund
This publication contains a finite element model for the analysis of bone core under consideration of bone tissue heterogeneity and tissue anisotropy.
Biomedical Engineering Bone Finite Element Analysis Mechanical Engineering
Matthew C Pharris
Tamara L. Kinzer-Ursem
Code for the basic 4-state competitive binding model that builds on previous work by incorporating an additional competitor for calmodulin along with a number of downstream proteins. Also include is sample code for global sensitivity analysis...
Ho-Ching Yang
Joseph V Rispoli
Thomas M Talavage
Wenbin Zhu
Yukai Zou
A population-specific brain atlas based on the T1-weighted MR scans from 215 adolescent collision-sport athletes in the longitudinal database of Purdue Neurotrauma Group.
Adolescents Atlasing Biomedical Engineering Brain Informatics Morphometrics MRI Neuroscience Spatial Normalization Spatial Warping Statistical Methods Trauma Workflow
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Results 11 - 20 of 44