
subject: Midwest type: dataset

Total is 12 Results
Agricultural Advisors’ Climate Risk Perceptions: 2013-14 Content Analysis Data


Cody Knutson , Katie Fagan , Linda S. Prokopy ORCID logo , Melissa J. Widhalm ORCID logo , Michael Dunn , Nick Babin , Sarah Church , Silvestre Garcia de Jalon , Stuart Carlton , Tonya Haigh


A content analysis of agricultural trade publications was conducted to document how the media discussed and portrayed the 2012 summer drought.

Agriculture Climate Change Content Analysis Midwest

Likely Extent of Agricultural Drainage in the U.S. Midwest


Ben Hancock , Benjamin Reinhart ORCID logo , Jane Frankenberger ORCID logo


This dataset provides 30 m resolution raster layers of the likely extent of drained agricultural lands in the U.S. Midwest based on soil and land use, and a file geodatabase with tables summarizing the extent by state, county, and HUC8 watershed boundary.

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Agriculture Drainage Geographic Information Systems (GIS) gSSURGO soil Data Midwest National Land Cover Database Soil Drainage Class Water

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