Andrew Balmos
Dana Plattner
Darcy M. Bullock
James Krogmeier
Jijo Mathew
Noise levels on standard and sinusoidal rumble strips
Andrew Balmos
Dana Plattner
Darcy M. Bullock
James Krogmeier
Jijo Mathew
Noise and Acceleration Traces on Sinusoidal Rumble Strips
Acceleration Car Civil Engineering Noise Rumble Strips Sinusoidal Truck
Andrew Balmos
Dana Plattner
Darcy M. Bullock
James Krogmeier
Jijo Mathew
Construction and noise testing of sinusoidal rumble strips on IN 1, near Fort Wayne, IN
Acceleration Car Civil Engineering Noise Rumble Strips Sinusoidal Truck
Ayman Habib
Yi Lin
Yi-Ting Cheng
Highway data collected by mobile LiDAR, including point cloud, images, and trajectory.
Civil Engineering laser radar LiDAR mobile mapping system roads surface morphology three-dimensional displays Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Ayman Habib
Yi Lin
Yi-Ting Cheng
Highway data collected by mobile LiDAR, including point cloud, images, and trajectory. The point cloud is a subset of the original point cloud, which contains road surfaces along the driving lane only.
Civil Engineering LiDAR mobile mapping system roads surface morphology three-dimensional displays Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Alexander M. Hainen
Andrew T. Sydelko
Darcy M. Bullock
David Burford
Michael Witt
Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Wilmeth Active Learning Center.
Active Learning Center construction building construction Civil Engineering ENADALC Purdue University WALC Wilmeth Active Learning Center
Lucas A Laughery
Santiago Pujol
This dataset contains data from dynamic tests of four reinforced concrete portal frames. The frames were tested on the unidirectional earthquake simulator at Bowen Laboratory for Large-Scale Civil Engineering Research during the fall of 2015.
Civil Engineering datacenterhub earthquake engineering earthquake simulator high strength steel reinforced concrete shake table test
Alexander M. Hainen
Andrew T. Sydelko
Darcy M. Bullock
David Burford
Michael Witt
Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Wilmeth Active Learning Center.
Active Learning Center construction building construction Civil Engineering construction time-lapse ENADALC Purdue University WALC Wilmeth Active Learning Center
Ayman Habib
Darcy M. Bullock
Donald E. Hartman
Fangning He
John L. Bullock
Michelle M. Mekker
Ryan J. Edwards
UAS images collected on July 14, 2017, at the Indiana Department of Transportation Crawfordsville District Office. Additional details are provided in the description below.
Civil Engineering drone evidence photogrammetry UAS vehicle crash
Christopher M. Day
Darcy M. Bullock
Howell Li
Jijo K. Mathew
These data consist of a unique identifier and the times the vehicles were identified as passing through virtual detection zones at mile markers 2.5 and 10.5 in the eastbound and westbound directions of I-80/94.
AVL Civil Engineering GPS outlier filtering outliers probe vehicle traffic engineering transportation transportation engineering travel time
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Results 221 - 230 of 265