
subject: Civil Engineering

Total is 265 Results
Minimum amount of High-Strength Steel Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Elements


Aishwarya Y. Puranam , Santiago Pujol ORCID logo


This dataset consists of tests on one-way slabs and walls to study the minimum amount of high-strength steel reinforcement in concrete elements that were conducted at Bowen Laboratory for Large-Scale Civil Engineering Research in Purdue University.

bar fracture Civil Engineering datacenterhub high strength steel Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio LVDT MMFX Optotrak reinforced concrete reinforcements limits slabs walls

Stability of Rocking Structures


Kari Klaboe , Lucas A Laughery , Santiago Pujol ORCID logo


This dataset contains data from 312 earthquake simulations on rocking blocks with various aspect ratios and sizes.

Civil Engineering concrete block datacenterhub Design dynamic scheduling earthquake earthquake simulation energy stability overturn rocking rocking structure

PIM Tool Instructional Video: Getting Started with the Graphical Measurement Tool


Ali Lenjani , Chul Min Yeum , Shirley J. Dyke ORCID logo


This instructional video is an outcome of JTRP Project SPR-4006, which focuses on the development of a Pay Item Measurement (PIM) Toolkit.

Civil Engineering Construction image processing pay items

PIM Tool Instructional Video: Getting Started with the Orthophoto Tool


Ali Lenjani , Chul Min Yeum , Shirley J. Dyke ORCID logo


This instructional video is an outcome of JTRP Project SPR-4006, which focuses on the development of a Pay Item Measurement (PIM) Toolkit.

Civil Engineering Construction image processing pay items

PIM Tool Instructional Video: Getting Started Guide to Taking Aerial Images


Ali Lenjani , Chul Min Yeum , Shirley J. Dyke ORCID logo


This instructional video is an outcome of JTRP Project SPR-4006, which focuses on the development of a Pay Item Measurement (PIM) Toolkit.

Civil Engineering Construction image processing pay items

Arrival Performance Measures at a Diverging Diamond Interchange


Alexander M. Hainen , Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Jamie Mackey , Mark Taylor


This video shows several cycles of a diverging diamond interchange at SR-201 / Bangerter in Salt Lake City, Utah on December 18, 2013.

Civil Engineering diverging diamond interchange offset pitcher performance measures traffic signal

Sequence and Offset Optimization at a Diamond Interchange


Alexander M. Hainen , Amanda Stevens , Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Howell Li


This video demonstrates the optimized performance at a diamond interchange at I-69 / 96th Street in northeast Indianapolis, IN.

Civil Engineering diamond interchange offset optimization sequence signal

Painted Rumble Stripes: Alternative to Raised Pavement Markers (RPMs)


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Teresa Morris


This video highlights research completed by the Joint Transportation Research Program led by Darcy Bullock, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, for JTRP Project SPR-3528, "Alternatives to Raised Pavement Markers (RPMs)."

Civil Engineering pavement alternatives RPM rumble stripes SPR-3528

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Results 221 - 230 of 265