
subject: Physics type: dataset

Total is 28 Results
Data for: Theory of the line shape of the 1S--2S transition for magnetically trapped antihydrogen


Francis . Robicheaux ORCID logo , R. A. Gustafson


Data used in the figures of article in Journal of Physics B (2021) with short information in FILE_INFO.txt. Also contains .eps files and gnuplot routines.

antihydrogen lineshape magnetic trap Physics

Data for: Theoretical study of early time superradiance for atom clouds and arrays


Francis Robicheaux ORCID logo


Data used in the figures of Phys. Rev. A 104, 063706 (2021) with short information in FILE_INFO.txt. Also contains .eps files and gnuplot routines.

atom array directional Physics superradiance

To Seal or Not To Seal: Study of Splashes


Javad Eshraghi ORCID logo , Pavlos Vlachos ORCID logo , Sunny Jung


Data from the water entry of hydrophobic spheres experiment used to reveal the criteria in the occurrence of surface seal.

Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics image processing Matlab Mechanical Engineering Physics

Period n-tupling in Uniaxial Random Field XY Magnet with rotating driving field


Erica Carlson ORCID logo , Karin Dahmen , Sayan Basak ORCID logo


These videos show the evolution of spin configurations in multiperiod limit cycle, generated from zero temperature simulations of 2D XY model with uniaxial random fields when subjected to a driving field which is rotated very slowly.

domain walls driving field multi period response Physics rotating field scientific animations spin configuration uniaxial random field XY model

Asymmetric polar localization dynamics of the serine chemoreceptor protein Tsr in Escherichia coli data


Barry Wanner , Dongmyung Oh , Hochan Lee , Jae-Hyung Jeon , Kenneth Ritchie ORCID logo , Yang Yu


Data for figures in PLoS ONE publication "Asymmetric polar localization dynamics of the serine chemoreceptor protein Tsr in Escherichia coli", Oh et al., 2018

fluorescence microscopy Physics Polar localization Single molecule

Measurement of Interfacial Area per Volume for Drainage and Imbibition - S6dc


Daiquan Chen , Jessica Griffin , Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte ORCID logo , Nicholas Giordano


Supplementary materials for the paper: Measurement of interfacial area per volume for drainage and imbibition, Water Resour. Res., 43, W12504, 2007, doi:10.1029/2007WR006021.

Drainage Physics

Relating Capillary Pressure to Interfacial Areas - S70


Daiquan Chen , David Nolte , Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte ORCID logo , Nicholas Giordano


Supplementary materials for the paper: Relating capillary pressure to interfacial areas, Water Resour. Res., 44, W06408, 2008, doi:10.1029/2007WR006434.

Drainage Physics

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Results 21 - 28 of 28