Qianlai Zhuang
Seungbum Kim
Xuan Xi
Zhen Zhang
This dataset contains the main codes and data for the methane emissions quantification from land and aquatic ecosystems in Western Siberia based on biogeochemical methane models.
A small sampling of hyperspectral data enables spectrally informed learning to recover a hypercube from a red-green-blue (RGB) image without complete hyperspectral measurements. Hyperspectral learning is capable of recovering full spectroscopic resolution
Biomedical Engineering hemodynamics Matlab mHealth spectral learning
Pierre Gentine
Qianlai Zhuang
Seungbum Kim
Xuan Xi
This dataset includes the comparison results of 17 land surface models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) globally using the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) products and codes for analysis.
EAPS Fourier Analysis Land Surface Model Matlab SMAP Soil Moisture
James Krogmeier
Yaguang Zhang
GPS data for agricultural vehicles collected during wheat harvesting.
Activity Recognition Agriculture Digital Agriculture Electrical and Computer Engineering Field Shape GPS Matlab Traceability Wheat Harvesting
Glynn Ellen Gallaway
Laura J Pyrak-Nolte
Thomas H Siegmund
This publication documents experimental data and analysis code in support of the publication "Quasi-brittle Fracture Mechanics of Human Cortical Bone Enables the Combined Analysis of Bone Quantity and Quality" G. Gallaway et al, Journal of Biomechanics.
Joshua M Alexander
Randall Wagner
Stephanie Schmig
Steve Armstrong
Raw audio recordings of hearing aid output with and without feedback. MATLAB code for a method that quantifies the strength of the feedback signal. Spreadsheet data containing categorical feedback ratings from human listeners.
acoustic communication adverse hearing conditions hearing aids hearing science Matlab sound Speech Language and Hearing Sciences
Mireille Boutin
Yellamraju Tarun
Binary clustering algorithm based on random projections
Clustering Electrical and Computer Engineering Matlab Random Projection
James Krogmeier
Yaguang Zhang
GPS data for agricultural vehicles collected during wheat harvesting.
Activity Recognition Agriculture Digital Agriculture Electrical and Computer Engineering Field Shape GPS Harvest Matlab Traceability Wheat
Benjamin Dickerhoff
David Saloner
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Susanne Schnell
Vitaliy Rayz
Data from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models, processed using Shake the Box (STB). Associated in vivo MRI and CFD datasets are also provided.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box
Douglas R Schmitt
Wei Li
Wenjing Wang
A Matlab-based algorithm that predicts the development of borehole breakouts in elastic and strength anisotropic rock formations using Lekhnitskij-Amadei (LA) equations.
anisotropy EAPS failure pattern Matlab single plane of weakness wellbore stability analysis
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Results 1 - 10 of 91