subject: Biomedical Engineering
Benjamin Dickerhoff
David Saloner
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Susanne Schnell
Vitaliy Rayz
In vivo MRI dataset from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box
Benjamin Dickerhoff
David Saloner
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Susanne Schnell
Vitaliy Rayz
In silico CFD dataset from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box
Benjamin Dickerhoff
David Saloner
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Susanne Schnell
Vitaliy Rayz
In vitro STB dataset from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box
Donald Ready
Taylor Zigon
Vikki Weake
Walter Leon-Salas
Xinping Chen
This publication contains the electronic files required to build an optical stimulator for fruit flies. The stimulator uses red and blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and an embedded computer to generate light at different power density levels.
Biomedical Engineering Drosophila Embedded System Engineering Technology Light-Emitting Diode Open Hardware Optical Stimulation
Joseph Wallace
Matthew R Allen
Max Hammond
Thomas Siegmund
This publication contains a finite element model for the analysis of single bone trabeculae under consideration of bone tissue heterogeneity and tissue anisotropy.
Biomedical Engineering Bone Finite Element Analysis Mechanical Engineering
Donald Ready
Taylor Zigon
Vikki Weake
Walter Leon-Salas
Xinping Chen
This publication contains the software required to build an optical stimulator for fruit flies. The stimulator uses red and blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and an embedded computer to generate light at different power density levels.
Biomedical Engineering Drosophila Embedded Software Embedded System Engineering Technology Optical Stimulation Python Code
Haiguang Wen
Junxing Shi
Wei Chen
Zhongming Liu
Deep residual neural network is a brain-inspired computational model. 50 layers of neuron-like computational units are stacked into a bottom-up hierarchy. Features encoded at units are visualized for intuitively understanding the internal...
Biomedical Engineering deep learning natural vision Neural encoding Object Recognition
Donald Ready
Taylor Zigon
Vikki Weake
Walter Leon-Salas
Xinping Chen
This publication contains the electronic files required to build an optical stimulator for fruit flies. The stimulator uses red and blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and an embedded computer to generate light at different power density levels.
Biomedical Engineering Drosophila Embedded Software Embedded System Engineering Technology Optical Stimulation Python Code
Matthew C Pharris
Tamara L. Kinzer-Ursem
Code for the basic 4-state competitive binding model that builds on previous work by incorporating an additional competitor for calmodulin along with a number of downstream proteins. Also include is sample code for global sensitivity analysis...
Benjamin Dickerhoff
David Saloner
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Susanne Schnell
Vitaliy Rayz
Data from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models, processed using Shake the Box (STB). Associated in vivo MRI and CFD datasets are also provided.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box
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