subject: Biomedical Engineering type: dataset
Craig Goergen
Elizabeth Niedert
Ender Finol
Jennifer Anderson
Renxiang Tang
Riley Holloway
Sourav Patnaik
Vangelina Osteguin
This dataset accompanies the Journal of Clinical Medicine article by the same name ( and includes all data discussed therein. Please contact Craig Goergen with any questions at
abdominal aortic aneurysms Biomedical Engineering elastin pentagalloyl glucose ultrasound
Daniel Romano
Matthew C Pharris
Neal Patel
Tamara Kinzer-Ursem
We study the competition among seven well-studied neuronal proteins for their common binding partner, calmodulin. We find that competition narrows and shifts the range over which proteins can be activated.
Biomedical Engineering Calcineurin Calmodulin Computational Biology Mathematica Signal Transduction
Haiguang Wen
Jiayue Cao
Junxing Shi
Kun-Han Lu
Yizhen Zhang
Zhongming Liu
This is a video-fMRI dataset for subject 1 (out of three) acquired by the Laboratory of Integrated Brain Imaging (LIBI),
Biomedical Engineering deep learning fMRI LIBI natural vision neural decoding Neural encoding Neuroscience
Haiguang Wen
Jiayue Cao
Junxing Shi
Kun-Han Lu
Yizhen Zhang
Zhongming Liu
This is a video-fMRI dataset for subject 2 (out of three) acquired by the Laboratory of Integrated Brain Imaging (LIBI).
Biomedical Engineering deep learning fMRI LIBI natural vision neural decoding Neural encoding Neuroscience
Haiguang Wen
Jiayue Cao
Junxing Shi
Kun-Han Lu
Yizhen Zhang
Zhongming Liu
This is a video-fMRI dataset for subject 3 (out of three) acquired by the Laboratory of Integrated Brain Imaging (LIBI).
Biomedical Engineering deep learning fMRI LIBI movie stimuli natural vision neural decoding Neural encoding Neuroscience
Haiguang Wen
Jiayue Cao
Junxing Shi
Kun-Han Lu
Yizhen Zhang
Zhongming Liu
This is a video-fMRI dataset contains the videos with stimuli acquired by the Laboratory of Integrated Brain Imaging (LIBI).
Biomedical Engineering deep learning fMRI LIBI movie stimuli natural vision neural decoding Neural encoding Neuroscience
Haiguang Wen
Jiayue Cao
Junxing Shi
Kun-Han Lu
Yizhen Zhang
Zhongming Liu
This document includes the main source code (Matlab or Python) related to our study.
Biomedical Engineering deep learning FMR1 LIBI Matlab natural vision neural decoding Neural encoding Neuroscience Python Code Source Code
Matlab toolbox for separating the fractal (scale-free) component and oscillatory component in the power spectrum from the mixed time series
Bartlomiej P. Rajwa , Ferit Akova , Halid Ziya Yerebakan , Murat Dundar
The manuscript presents a non-parametric Bayesian algorithm called ASPIRE (Anomalous Sample Phenotype Identification with Random Effects) able to identify phenotypic differences across batches of cytometry samples in the presence of random effects
AML Bayesian Biomedical Engineering BMC Bioinformatics Computer Science cytometry Dirichlet process Gaussian mixture model Interdisciplinary Research Life Sciences random effects
Rodrigo Castellanos
Zhongming Liu
This Matlab toolbox includes signal processing functions to remove gradient and pulse artifacts in EEG data recorded simultaneously with fMRI. It is distributed as a GUI plugin for EEGLAB.
Bioinformatics Biomedical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering fMRI-EEG independent component analysis Signal Processing Singular value decomposition
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