
subject: Civil Engineering

Total is 265 Results
Intelligent Snow Plow: Integrated Connected Vehicle Data and INDOT Snowplow 63550 Telematics Feed from February 15-16, 2021, Winter Storm


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Howell Li , Jairaj Desai , Justin Mahlberg , Woosung Kim


This video explains and illustrates the integration of an INDOT plow truck dashboard camera with floating car data obtained from connected vehicles.

Civil Engineering Indiana JTRP roads snow plow Winter De-Icing winter road operations

Intelligent Snow Plow: Integrated Connected Vehicle Data and INDOT Traffic Camera Feed from February 15-16, 2021, Winter Storm


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Howell Li , Jairaj Desai , Justin Mahlberg , Woosung Kim


This video explains and illustrates the integration of an INDOT traffic camera with floating car data obtained from connected vehicles.

Civil Engineering Indiana JTRP roads snow plow Winter De-Icing winter road operations

Calibration Data Set for Damage Mechanics Challenge on Brittle-Ductile Material


Antonio Bobet ORCID logo , Hongkyu Yoon , Joseph Morris ORCID logo , Laura J Pyrak-Nolte ORCID logo , Liyang Jiang


Here, we provide a benchmark laboratory data set from 3 point bending experiments for a damage mechanics challenge to compare computational approaches on damage evolution in brittle-ductile material.

3D printed material Benchmark Data Sets Civil Engineering Fracture Geometry Fractures Geomechanics Rock Mechanics

Environmental Response Data for Tanzanian Sand Dams


Jessica Abbie Eisma , Venkatesh Merwade ORCID logo


This dataset provides environmental data for three sand dams in Tanzania resulting from a year-long field study.

Citizen Science Civil Engineering Erosion Groundwater Sand Dams Sub-Saharan Africa Tanzania Vegetation Water Water Harvesting Water Table

Sinusoidal Rumble Strips


Andrew Balmos , Dana Plattner , Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , James Krogmeier , Jijo Mathew ORCID logo


Construction and noise testing of sinusoidal rumble strips on IN 1, near Fort Wayne, IN

Acceleration Car Civil Engineering Noise Rumble Strips Sinusoidal Truck

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