These figures represent the task analysis results of different use cases of Ex Libris Primo implemented at Purdue University Libraries, depending on the availability and format of the resource being searched by the user.
Computer Science Library Science Library Website Primo Task Analysis
Christopher Day
Darcy M. Bullock
This animation illustrates the use of the Link Pivot algorithm for optimizing offsets on a signalized arterial.
Civil Engineering Computer Science optimization traffic engineering traffic signal timing traffic signals
Adnan Firoze
Akshaj Uppala
Bedrich Benes
Brady Hardiman
Daniel Aliaga
Lindsay Darling
Raymond Yeh
Songlin Fei
We use deep learning to provide a novel solution to map all trees on both public and private lands across 330 United States (U.S.) cities. This repository contains the dataset and code base.
Computer Science Computer Vision Ecology Pattern Recognition urban forestry urban tree
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