
subject: Forestry and Natural Resources

Total is 134 Results
Soil responses to manipulated precipitation changes: A synthesis of meta-analyses


Akane O. Abbasi ORCID logo , Alejandro Salazar , Irfan Rashid , Jeffrey S. Dukes ORCID logo , Jianghanyang Li , Maria del Rosario Uribe , Sabine Reinsch , Youmi Oh ORCID logo


We collected 16 meta-analyses published prior to April 2019 that examined soil responses to manipulated precipitation changes. This is the data of these meta-analyses, including effect sizes, confidence intervals, and sample sizes of 42 soil...

Carbon Cycle Climate Change Forestry and Natural Resources Meta-analysis Nitrogen Phosphorus Cycle Precipitation Change Soil Ecology Soil Emissions

Data of soil greenhouse gas emissions and soybean growth from a biochar-amended precipitation manipulation experiment


Akane Abbasi ORCID logo , Jeffrey Dukes ORCID logo


We recorded soil greenhouse gas emissions and soybean growth in a field experiment where precipitation intensity was manipulated and biochar was added during the growing season of 2017.

biochar Forestry and Natural Resources Greenhouse Gas Emissions precipitation manipulation Soil Emissions Soybean

Data from: Perfluoroalkyl substances increase susceptibility of northern leopard frog tadpoles to trematode infection


Jason T. Hoverman ORCID logo , Sophia Brown , Wes Flynn


These data correspond to a paper entitled "Perfluoroalkyl substances increase susceptibility of northern leopard frog tadpoles to trematode infection" by Brown et al. published in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry.

Amphibian contaminants of emerging concern Disease Ecology Forestry and Natural Resources Parasite perfluoroalkyl substances wetlands

Data for: Chronic PFAS-exposure under environmentally relevant conditions delays development in northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) larvae


Chloe de Perre , Jason T. Hoverman ORCID logo , Linda Lee , Maria S. Sepúlveda ORCID logo , Mike Iacchetta , Wes Flynn


These data correspond to a paper entitled "Chronic PFAS-exposure under environmentally relevant conditions delays development in northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) larvae" by Flynn et al. published in Environmental Toxicology &...

Amphibian aquatic toxicology bioaccumulation Forestry and Natural Resources multiple exposure routes PFOA PFOS

Data for: Sublethal effects of dermal exposure to poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances on post-metamorphic amphibians


Chloe de Perre , Jason T. Hoverman ORCID logo , Linda S. Lee ORCID logo , Maria Sepulveda ORCID logo , Michael Iacchetta , Sarah Abercrombie , Wesley Flynn


These data correspond to a paper entitled "Sublethal effects of dermal exposure to poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances on post-metamorphic amphibians" by Abercrombie et al. published in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry

anurans bioaccumulation body burden Forestry and Natural Resources growth PFAS salamanders

Crop Insurance 2018 Farmer Survey Dataset


Jackie Getson , Laura Esman , Linda Prokopy ORCID logo , Michelle R Hemler ORCID logo , Nathan Thompson


The Crop Insurance 2018 Farmer Survey intended to understand Midwest corn producers’ perspectives and behavior regarding crop insurance and conservation practices. Producers across Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa were surveyed.

conservation adoption Cover Crops Crop insurance Forestry and Natural Resources Illinois Indiana Iowa Midwest Risk-management

Data for: Timing and order of exposure to two echinostome species affect patterns of infection in larval amphibians


Jason T. Hoverman ORCID logo , Logan Scott Billet ORCID logo


These data correspond to a paper entitled "Timing and order of exposure to two echinostome species affect patterns of infection in larval amphibians" by Billet et al. published in the journal Parasitology in 2020:...

amphibians Echinostomatidae Forestry and Natural Resources metacercariae Priority effects

Data for: Relative acute toxicity of three per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances on nine species of larval amphibians


Brian Tornabene , Jason T. Hoverman ORCID logo , Maria Sepulveda ORCID logo , Megan Gannon , Michael Chislock


These data correspond to a paper entitled "Relative acute toxicity of three per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances on nine species of larval amphibians" by Tornabene et al.

anurans Ecological risk assessment Forestry and Natural Resources frogs LC50 PFAS salamanders toads

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Results 1 - 10 of 134