The overall objectives of this research are the identification and measurement of corn crop canopy variables which are related to crop growth and final yield and relationships between those variables and remotely sensed canopy spectral reflectance.
Agriculture Barnes 12-1000 Corn Crop Science Crops Exotech 100 LARS radiometer Remote Sensing solar illumination spectral observations
Purdue Agronomy Farm Corn Corn Row Spacing Experiment
Agriculture Barnes 12-1000 Corn Crop Science Crops Exotech 100 LARS radiometer Remote Sensing Soil Science solar illumination spectral observations
The objectives of this research are 1) the identification and measurement of corn crop canopy variables, 2) development of relationships between identified variables, and 3) development and testing of methods in corn crop yield models
Agriculture Barnes 12-1000 Corn Crop Science Crops Exotech 100 LARS radiometer Remote Sensing Soil Science solar illumination spectral observations
Eileen J Kladivko
Giorgi Chighladze
Laura C Bowling
Lori Abendroth
This dataset contains research data obtained during a long-term subsurface drainage research project conducted at the Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center in Jennings County, Indiana, from 1984 to 2020.
Data on pesticide use, insect pests, pollinators, and crop yield across multiple years in a multi-crop agroecosystem.
agroecosystems Bees Corn Crop yield Entomology Environmental Issues Insecticides Melons pesticides pollinators
Albert Heber
Cheng-Hsien Lin
Cliff Johnston
Richard Grant
Application of Open Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (OP-FTIR) to Measure N2O and CO2 Concentrations from Agricultural Fields
Agronomy Atmospheric measurements CO2 Corn Greenhouse gases N2O Open-path FTIR spectroscopy Quality Assurance Quality Control
Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
These are suitability classes defining the requirements for various crops/ land use types.
Agronomy Beans Busia Area Cabbage Cassava Coffee Corn Cotton Crop Suitability Map Decision Matrix Forage Crops Grazing Guavas Kale Kenya Land Suitability Map Unit Millets Onions Peanuts Rice Sorghum Sugarcane Sunflower Tomato
Danielle Grogan
Iman Haqiqi
Thomas Hertel
Wolfram Schlenker
This Stata code estimates a model to investigate the impacts of compound extremes, water stress, and heat stress on crop yields. It requires "soilMoistureData.dta".
Agricultural Economics climate impacts compound extremes Corn heat stress water stress
Alison J Eagle , Ardell D. Halvorson , Bijesh Maharjan , Craig F. Drury , Douglas R. Smith , G. Philip Robertson , John P. Hoben , Rodney T. Venterea , Timothy B. Parkin
Data used in Eagle et al. 2017 (Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81:1191–1202; doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.09.0281). Fertilizer Management and Environmental Factors Drive N2O and NO3 Losses in Corn: A Meta-Analysis
4R Nutrient Management Agriculture Climate Change Corn Empirical Models Hierarchical Model IPNI Maize Meta-analysis Nitrate Leaching Nitrogen Nitrogen Fertilizer Nitrous Oxide North America Synthesis Water Quality
Tillage affected relationships between N2O and NRE; stronger negative linear relationships under no-till and strip-till compared to moldboard. Ecological intensification increased grain yield without significant increase of N2O emission.
4R 4R N management Agronomy Climate Change Corn Crop Science Ecological Intensification Emission Factor Farmer's Practice Grain Nitrogen Uptake IPNI Purdue N Timing Nitrogen Recovery Efficiency Nitrogen Use Efficiency Nitrous Oxide Split N application Tillage Total Nitrogen Uptake Yield-Scaled N2O
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