subject: Forestry and Natural Resources
Supplemental Table 4.1: Measured concentrations (µg/L) of all constituent PAHs present in each of 4 100% HEWAF solutions made with 1 g OFS and 1 L 25 ppt artificial seawater. ND = not detected.
Deepwater Horizon Forestry and Natural Resources HEWAF high energy water accommodated fraction PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Elizabeth Allmon dissertation, Supplemental Table 5.1: Cardiac function & Geometry statistics
Cardiac development Cardiac geometry Cardiac morphology Forestry and Natural Resources Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes Statistics
Elizabeth Allmon dissertation; Supplemental Table 5.2: Shear dependent factor statistics
blood dynamic viscosity Cardiac development Cardiac shear dependent factors Forestry and Natural Resources Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes Statistics wall shear stress
Elizabeth Allmon dissertation; Supplemental Table 5.3: Gene expression Statistics
Cardiac development Forestry and Natural Resources Gene Expression Japanese medaka mechano-genetic Oryzias latipes Statistics
Chelsea E. Clyde-Brockway
Christina R. Ferreira
Elizabeth A Flaherty
Frank Paladino
Data from multiple reaction monitoring profiling evaluating the relative ion intensities of lipid classes in plasma from sea turtles.
Chelonia myda Eretmochelys imbricata Forestry and Natural Resources lipid profiles Mass Spectrometry MRM-profiling
Jason T. Hoverman
Logan Scott Billet
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Timing and order of exposure to two echinostome species affect patterns of infection in larval amphibians" by Billet et al. published in the journal Parasitology in 2020:...
amphibians Echinostomatidae Forestry and Natural Resources metacercariae Priority effects
Amanda N. Heltzel
Aziz Ebrahimi
Benjamin Rivera
Brandon M. Sosa
Calen Cunningham
David Savage
Grace Walker
Jacob Daniel Hosen
Joseph Hale
Kimberly Gulbranson
Molly Barrett
Seth Williams
Sylvia Park
Taylor Hayes
Air quality sensor data collected by Purdue Forestry & Natural Resources students using Arduino-compatible microcontrollers and sensors to detect volatile organic compounds and 2.5 µm particulates.
air pressure Forestry and Natural Resources indoor air quality outdoor air quality particulate air quality Teaching and learning Temperature VOCs
Brian Tornabene
Jason T. Hoverman
Maria Sepulveda
Megan Gannon
Michael Chislock
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Relative acute toxicity of three per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances on nine species of larval amphibians" by Tornabene et al.
anurans Ecological risk assessment Forestry and Natural Resources frogs LC50 PFAS salamanders toads
Benjamin M Gramig , Seong Do Yun
Agro-Climatic Data by County (ACDC) is a county level dataset that combines annual corn/soybean/cotton/wheat yield with gridded growing degree days, precipitation, and soil characteristics data from public data provided by USDA-NASS, USDA-NRCS,...
ACDC Crop yield Econometrics Forestry and Natural Resources GDD gSSURGO NIFA Precipitation PRISM Soil ph Statistical analysis U2U USDA-NASS USDA-NRCS Water holding capacity
Qinfeng Guo
Songlin Fei
Zehao Shen
A database of elevational distribution of nonnative plants across 11 mountains in China
Biodiversity Elevation gradient Forestry and Natural Resources Invasive plants
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