Qianlai Zhuang , Seungbum Kim , Xuan Xi , Zhen Zhang
This dataset contains the main codes and data for the methane emissions quantification from land and aquatic ecosystems in Western Siberia based on biogeochemical methane models.
This dataset contains the code, run directory and outputs for Peatland Terrestrial Ecosystem Model v 2.3.
2100 C budget climate modeling EAPS Holocene N dynamcis northern peatlands
Hojeong Kang , Jaehyun Lee , Qianlai Zhuang , Youmi Oh
This dataset contains code and model results for the paper 'Soil organic carbon is a key determinant of CH4 sink in global forest soils' by Lee et al. (2023).
Biogeochemistry EAPS global forest soils Methane Dynamics Model (MDM) soil methane oxidation
Bailu Zhao , Narasinha Shurpali , Qianlai Zhuang , Ye Yuan
This dataset contains the main codes and data for the N2O emissions quantification from pan-Arctic terrestrial ecosystems on a process-based biogeochemical model.
Arctic Region EAPS N2O emission Permafrost Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM)
Huaxia Yao , L. Ruby Leung , Malgorzata Golub , Mingyang Guo , Qianlai Zhuang , Zeli Tan
This dataset includes the model intercomparison results using the Arctic Lake Biogeochemistry Model (ALBM) and codes for analysis.
EAPS global lake thermal dynamics lake model model intercomparison
This dataset contains photos and videos documenting sampling locations in and around Mount Hood National Forest and Glacier National Park.
alpine Climate Change EAPS glacier Glacier National Park glaciers Mount Hood National Forest springs
Aaron Paul Kruskie , Daniel Robert Chavas
This repository contains the data files and scripts required to recreate the figures for Kruskie et al. 2024 (in review), which examines the climatology of heat lows in West Africa and their relationship to tropical cyclones.
Climatology EAPS sensible heat flux tropical cyclone West Africa
Brian H. Stirm , Kristian Hajny , Lisa R. Welp , Michael E. Baldwin , Olivia E. Salmon , Paul B. Shepson
Airborne vertical profile measurements of water vapor stable isotopes to examine how boundary layer, cloud, and mixing processes influence the vertical structure of deuterium-excess in the lower troposphere.
Climate EAPS Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Flight Cruise Indianapolis Isotope Meteorology Washington Water Vapor Weather
Global soil CO fluxes during 1901-2013, 2000-2013 and 2014-2100 from model simulations. Together with published paper, figures and tables.
Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Biogeochemistry Carbon Monoxide Climate Climate Dynamics EAPS Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Various levels of representations of biogeochemical processes in current biogeochemistry models contribute to uncertainty in carbon budget quantification. Detailed microbial mechanisms were incorporated into TEM 5.0 (Terrestrial Ecosystem Model).
Arctic Region Biogeochemistry Carbon Dynamics Climate Change EAPS Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Microbial-Based Model Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM)
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