Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
Environmental covariates were carefully selected to represent factors of soil formation: climate, relief, organisms, and time.
Agronomy Busia Area Environmental Covariates Kenya Landsat Terrain Attributes WorldClim
Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
Enviromental covariate data used to develop a digital model that represents the landscape and environmental conditions of the Busia landscape.
Agronomy Busia Area Digital Soil Mapping Disaggregate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Kenya Soil Land Rule-Based Approach
Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
Map based on the concept that soil classes can be spatially inferred from soil-related environmental conditions.
Agronomy Busia Area Digital Soil Mapping Fuzzy Membership Values Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Kenya SoLIM
Mitchell R Tuinstra
Shelby M Gruss
Dhurrin plays a key role in host-plant defense of sorghum. Studies of genetic mutants coupled with nondestructive phenotyping techniques revealed a significant metabolic tradeoff between dhurrin production and plant growth in sorghum seedlings.
Agronomy dhurrin High-throughput Phenotyping Spodoptera frugiperda
Keith Johnson
Mitchell R Tuinstra
Shelby M Gruss
Dhurrin is a cyanogenic glucoside of sorghum. Dhurrin content is thought to decline when making sorghum hay. Contrary to expectations, this study demonstrated that dhurrin was stable in sorghum tissues during the hay drying and curing process.
Diane Ran Wang
Dmytro Chebotarov
Francisco Agosto-Perez
Jonathan Marchini
Kenneth McNally
Melissa Fitzgerald
Nickolai Alexandrov
Susan McCouch
Yuxin Shi
Files required for imputation of rice genomes using IMPUTE-2 software.
Agronomy Genetic Diversity Genomics imputation reference panel Rice
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Suzanne M. Cunningham
Sylvie M. Brouder
W. Kess Berg
Concentrations of sugar, starch, protein, amino N, and RNA change in alfalfa taproots as plants acclimate for winter and when shoot growth resumes in spring. The direction and extent of these changes are altered by phosphorus and potassium...
Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa Amino Acid growth Medicago Nonstructural carbohydrates Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant persistence Potassium Fertilizer Protein Roots Shoot growth Starch reserves Sugar reserves Winter hardiness Yield components
Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
Map that mimics the geometry of 'fully developed slopes'.
Agronomy Geographic Information Systems (GIS) K-Means Clustering Multiresolution Ridgetop Flatness Multiresolution Valley Bottom Flatness Planform Curvature Profile Curvature Slope Position Terrain Attributes Topographic Position Index
Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
Independent diagnostic criteria reflecting limitations for land use.
Agronomy Busia Area Decision Matrix Kenya Land Evaluation Key Map Unit
Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
Independent predictor variables for stepwise multiple linear regression.
Agronomy Environmental Covariates PCA Raster Stack RStoolbox Package RStudio Soil-Landscape Modelling Stepwise Multiple linear Regression
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