
subject: Agronomy type: dataset

Total is 101 Results
Busia Fuzzy Soil Class Map


Darrell Schulze ORCID logo , Joshua Minai


Map based on the concept that soil classes can be spatially inferred from soil-related environmental conditions.

Agronomy Busia Area Digital Soil Mapping Fuzzy Membership Values Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Kenya SoLIM

Seedling growth and fall armyworm feeding preference influenced by dhurrin production in sorghum


Mitchell R Tuinstra ORCID logo , Shelby M Gruss


Dhurrin plays a key role in host-plant defense of sorghum. Studies of genetic mutants coupled with nondestructive phenotyping techniques revealed a significant metabolic tradeoff between dhurrin production and plant growth in sorghum seedlings.

Agronomy dhurrin High-throughput Phenotyping Spodoptera frugiperda

Stability of dhurrin and HCN release in dried sorghum samples


Keith Johnson , Mitchell R Tuinstra ORCID logo , Shelby M Gruss


Dhurrin is a cyanogenic glucoside of sorghum. Dhurrin content is thought to decline when making sorghum hay. Contrary to expectations, this study demonstrated that dhurrin was stable in sorghum tissues during the hay drying and curing process.

Agronomy dhurrin Forage quality Sorghum

Busia Land Quality Maps


Darrell Schulze ORCID logo , Joshua Minai


Independent diagnostic criteria reflecting limitations for land use.

Agronomy Busia Area Decision Matrix Kenya Land Evaluation Key Map Unit

Soil Property Data for Spatial Prediction of Soil Properties for the Busia Area, Kenya


Darrell Schulze ORCID logo , Joshua Minai


Soil property data mined from the Reconnaissance Soil Survey of the Busia Area (quarter degree sheet No. 101) for digital soil mapping.

Agronomy Busia Area Digital Soil Mapping Equal Area Quadratic Smoothing Spline Function Kenya R ithir Package RStudio

Maize Response to P and K in 2006. Experiment 1 at Throckmorton Purdue Agricultural Center: Yield, Soil and Tissue P and K, and Seed and Stover Composition


Jeffrey J. Volenec ORCID logo , Sylvie M. Brouder ORCID logo


Grain and stover yield and composition were determined for maize grown in soil previously fertilized annually for 8 years with potassium (K, 0 to 400 kg K/ha) and phosphorus (P, 0 to 75 kg P/ha) resulting in large differences in soil test P and K.

Agronomy Biomass Corn Grain Yield Indiana Maize Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant Nutrition Potassium Fertilizer Seed Composition Soil Fertility Stover Composition

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