subject: Agronomy type: dataset
This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2017 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.
Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Plant Pathology Soybeans USDA-ARS
Dick Puurveen , Mekonnen Giweta , Miles Dyck , Sukdhev S. Malhi , Sylvie Quideau
Data from 5 growing seasons (2013–2017) investigating long-term fertilization and crop rotation effects on growing season soil N2O and CO2 emissions, wheat yield and N uptake, N2O emission intensity and soil properties on a Gray Luvisol.
4R Agronomy IPNI Nitrous Oxide Soil Emissions Soil Fertility
Dick Puurveen , Len Kryzanowski , Miles Dyck , Yuanpei Gao
These data files summarize spring wheat yields and annual soil N2O emissions (non-steady-state chamber measurements) at two sites in Alberta, Canada (Lethbridge and Ellerslie) over 2016 and 2017.
4R Agronomy IPNI Nitrogen Fertilizer Nitrous Oxide Soil Emissions
Tillage affected relationships between N2O and NRE; stronger negative linear relationships under no-till and strip-till compared to moldboard. Ecological intensification increased grain yield without significant increase of N2O emission.
4R 4R N management Agronomy Climate Change Corn Crop Science Ecological Intensification Emission Factor Farmer's Practice Grain Nitrogen Uptake IPNI Purdue N Timing Nitrogen Recovery Efficiency Nitrogen Use Efficiency Nitrous Oxide Split N application Tillage Total Nitrogen Uptake Yield-Scaled N2O
Adedayo Adeyanju
Bhavesh Patel
Bruce A. Craig
Charles Addo-Quaye
Clifford Weil
Mitchell Tuinstra
Osvaldo H. Campanella
Richard Westerman
Stefanie Griebel
Suzanne M. Cunningham
Seven novel alleles of SBEIIb and one allele of SSIIa co-segregated with the ASV phenotype and contributed to distinct starch quality traits important for food processing applications.
Agronomy Alkali Spreading Value Amylose Genomics Paste Viscosity Profiles SBEIIb Sorghum SSIIa Starch Gelatinization Variant Call Format (VCF)
Ayman F Habib
Ed Delp
Keith A Cherkauer
Larry L. Biehl
Melba M Crawford
Mitchell Tuinstra
This publication includes sample rgb and hyperspectral image data collected in 2018 by unmanned aerial systems for a Sorghum Phenotying and Trait Analysis project being conducted at Purdue's Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE).
Agronomy hyperspectral Phenotyping Remote Sensing Sorghum UAS
This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2018 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.
Albert Heber
Cheng-Hsien Lin
Cliff Johnston
Richard Grant
Application of Open Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (OP-FTIR) to Measure N2O and CO2 Concentrations from Agricultural Fields
Agronomy Atmospheric measurements CO2 Corn Greenhouse gases N2O Open-path FTIR spectroscopy Quality Assurance Quality Control
Megan Heller Haas
Ronald F. Turco
Sara Peel
Water quality data collected from the Lafayette area watershed in 2009. There are five samples sites located on Little Pine Creek, Elliot Ditch, Little Wea Creek and two sites on the Wabash River.
Agronomy Algae Ammonia Crop Science Discharge Dissolved Oxygen Elliot Ditch Enterococci Escherichia coli Flow Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Lafayette Little Pine Creek Little Wea Creek Orthophosphate pH Soil Science Specific Conductivity Temperature Total Coliforms Turbidity Wabash River Water Quality Watershed
Megan Heller Haas
Ronald F. Turco
Sara Peel
Water quality data collected from the Lafayette area watershed in 2010. There are five samples sites located on Little Pine Creek, Elliot Ditch, Little Wea Creek and two sites on the Wabash River.
Agronomy Algae Ammonia Crop Science Discharge Dissolved Oxygen Elliot Ditch Enterococci Escherichia coli Flow Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Lafayette Little Pine Creek Little Wea Creek Orthophosphate pH Soil Science Specific Conductivity Temperature Total Coliforms Turbidity Wabash River Water Quality Watershed
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