
date: 2018

Total is 123 Results
Regular Expression Dictionaries Derived from Data Scientist Positions and Course Curriculum


Corey S Seliger ORCID logo


These dictionaries are ready to be used with the Stanford CoreNLP for classifying data scientist, statistics, and technology phrases.

Big Data CoreNLP Curriculum Data Science Data Scientist HEI Higher Education Jobs

Markets and Indigenous Populations Stata Code


Jonathan Bauchet ORCID logo


A Stata do-file for analyzing longitudinal data from the Tismane' Amazonian Panel Study (TAPS).

Amazon Bolivia Consumer Science Indigenous Populations Market Research

Text Mining and Plotting Tools for KSA / DS / HEI Research Study


Corey S Seliger ORCID logo


This publication comprises the source code for various text mining utilities written against the Stanford CoreNLP project and other scripts to plot the formatted output from those programs.

CoreNLP ggplot2 Java NLP Python RStudio Software source code Unstructured Text

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) of Data Science Professionals


Corey S Seliger ORCID logo


A study examining relationships between employer requirements for data scientists and the educational curriculum provided by higher education institutions.

Big Data Competencies Curriculum Data Science Data Scientist HEI Higher Education Jobs

Data Scientist Postings and Data Science Curriculum Datasets


Corey S Seliger ORCID logo


This is a collection of Data Scientist job postings from 5/2018 and curriculum data from higher education institutes that advertise a "Data Science Initiative."

Big Data Curriculum Data Science Data Scientist HEI Higher Education Jobs

Competitive Tuning of Ca2+/Calmodulin-Activated Proteins Provides a Compensatory Mechanism for AMPA Receptor Phosphorylation in Synaptic Plasticity


Matthew C Pharris , Tamara L. Kinzer-Ursem ORCID logo


Code for the basic 4-state competitive binding model that builds on previous work by incorporating an additional competitor for calmodulin along with a number of downstream proteins. Also include is sample code for global sensitivity analysis...

Biomedical Engineering Calmodulin Neuroscience

Key ecological research concepts between 1980 and 2016


Songlin Fei ORCID logo


Occurrence and co-occurrence frequency of major concepts in ecological research between 1980 and 2016.

Big Literature Content Analysis Ecological concepts Forestry and Natural Resources

Self-Directed Information Literacy (SIL) Scale


Amy S Van Epps , Kerrie A Douglas ORCID logo , Michael Fosmire ORCID logo , Senay Purzer ORCID logo , Todd Fernandez


This self-report assessment tools measures students' perceptions of their use of information literacy skills when faced with an engineering task.

Assessment Instrument Engineering Education Information Literacy

Trophic indicator data for fishes collected from nearshore Lake Michigan in 2010


Carolyn Foley , Sergiusz Czesny , Tomas Hook ORCID logo , Zachary S Feiner


Raw data for: Feiner, Z.S., C.J. Foley, et al. Species identity matters when interpreting trophic markers in aquatic food webs. PLOS ONE. Diet content, stable isotope, and fatty acid data for individual fishes collected from nearshore Lake Michigan.

Diet Fatty Acid Forestry and Natural Resources Lake Michigan Round Goby Spottail Shiner Stable Isotope Yellow Perch

Do White Law Enforcement Officers Target Minority Suspects?


Charles Menifield , Geiguen Shin , Logan Strother ORCID logo


Replication materials for Menifield, Shin, and Strother's PAR article "Do White Law Enforcement Officers Target Minority Suspects?"

Police Killing Police Violence Political Science

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Results 51 - 60 of 123