subject: Agronomy type: dataset
Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
Map that mimics the geometry of 'fully developed slopes'.
Agronomy Geographic Information Systems (GIS) K-Means Clustering Multiresolution Ridgetop Flatness Multiresolution Valley Bottom Flatness Planform Curvature Profile Curvature Slope Position Terrain Attributes Topographic Position Index
Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
Independent diagnostic criteria reflecting limitations for land use.
Agronomy Busia Area Decision Matrix Kenya Land Evaluation Key Map Unit
Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
Independent predictor variables for stepwise multiple linear regression.
Agronomy Environmental Covariates PCA Raster Stack RStoolbox Package RStudio Soil-Landscape Modelling Stepwise Multiple linear Regression
Darrell Schulze
Joshua Minai
Soil property data mined from the Reconnaissance Soil Survey of the Busia Area (quarter degree sheet No. 101) for digital soil mapping.
Agronomy Busia Area Digital Soil Mapping Equal Area Quadratic Smoothing Spline Function Kenya R ithir Package RStudio
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Sylvie M. Brouder
Grain and stover yield and composition were determined for maize grown in soil previously fertilized annually for 8 years with potassium (K, 0 to 400 kg K/ha) and phosphorus (P, 0 to 75 kg P/ha) resulting in large differences in soil test P and K.
Agronomy Biomass Corn Grain Yield Indiana Maize Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant Nutrition Potassium Fertilizer Seed Composition Soil Fertility Stover Composition
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Sylvie M. Brouder
Maize was grown in 2006 in plots differing in soil test P and K. Yield and plant composition were determined.
Agronomy Corn Grain Yield Indiana Maize Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant Nutrition Potassium Fertilizer Soil Fertility Stover Composition
Mitchell R Tuinstra
Seth A Tolley
Ear photometry was used to characterize 298 ex-PVP inbred lines and 274 Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa (DTMA) inbred lines when crossed to Iodent (PHP02) and/or Stiff Stalk (2FACC) testers for 25 yield-related traits in 2017 and 2018.
Agronomy Ear photometry in maize testcrosses heat-tolerant maize Maize
Mitchell R Tuinstra
Shelby M Gruss
Dhurrin plays a key role in host-plant defense of sorghum. Studies of genetic mutants coupled with nondestructive phenotyping techniques revealed a significant metabolic tradeoff between dhurrin production and plant growth in sorghum seedlings.
Agronomy dhurrin High-throughput Phenotyping Spodoptera frugiperda
Brandon Schemerhorn , Gary Nowling , Guohong Cai , Steve Scofield
This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2016 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.
Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Plant Pathology Soybeans USDA-ARS
This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2017 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.
Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Plant Pathology Soybeans USDA-ARS
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