
subject: Matlab

Total is 92 Results
mHealth hyperspectral learning for hemodynamics


Young L Kim ORCID logo


A small sampling of hyperspectral data enables spectrally informed learning to recover a hypercube from a red-green-blue (RGB) image without complete hyperspectral measurements. Hyperspectral learning is capable of recovering full spectroscopic resolution

Biomedical Engineering hemodynamics Matlab mHealth spectral learning

Raw PPG Signal Measured Using Wearable Sensor-kit in Varying Levels of Activity


Deena Alabed , Mireille Boutin ORCID logo , Tiberius Wehrly


Photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals collected from five subjects in three scenarios that vary in the level of activity, measured using Asiawill Pulse Heart Rate sensor implemented in an Arduino-based wearable sensor-kit.

Asiawill Pulse Sensor Electrical and Computer Engineering Health Monitoring Device Matlab Photoplethysmogram PPG

Labeled Raw PPG Signals Measured Using Wearable Sensor-kit


Deena Alabed , Mireille Boutin ORCID logo , Tiberius Wehrly


Photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals collected from nine subjects in a still seated position, measured using Asiawill Pulse Heart Rate sensor implemented in an Arduino-based wearable sensor-kit.

Asiawill Pulse Sensor Electrical and Computer Engineering Health Monitoring Device Matlab Photoplethysmogram PPG

Method for Extracting True Stress and Strain Hardening Coefficient from TEM in situ Compression Testing


Haozheng Qu , Janelle Wharry ORCID logo , Kayla Yano , Matthew Swenson , Priyam Patki


This algorithm package can automatically process transmission electron microscope (TEM) in situ micropillar compression test videos to extract the instantaneous pillar dimensions, then determine the true stress-strain curves and strain hardening...

Algorithms Analysis Tool Matlab Nuclear Engineering Strain Hardening Coefficient Stress/Strain Relationship Transmission Electron Microscopy

In vitro CFD, MRI, STB Series


Benjamin Dickerhoff , David Saloner , Melissa Brindise , Michael Markl , Pavlos Vlachos ORCID logo , Sean Rothenberger ORCID logo , Susanne Schnell , Vitaliy Rayz


Data from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models, processed using Shake the Box (STB). Associated in vivo MRI and CFD datasets are also provided.

Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box

To Seal or Not To Seal: Study of Splashes


Javad Eshraghi ORCID logo , Pavlos Vlachos ORCID logo , Sunny Jung


Data from the water entry of hydrophobic spheres experiment used to reveal the criteria in the occurrence of surface seal.

Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics image processing Matlab Mechanical Engineering Physics

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Results 51 - 60 of 92