Haiguang Wen
Jiayue Cao
Junxing Shi
Kun-Han Lu
Yizhen Zhang
Zhongming Liu
This document includes the main source code (Matlab or Python) related to our study.
Biomedical Engineering deep learning FMR1 LIBI Matlab natural vision neural decoding Neural encoding Neuroscience Python Code Source Code
32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=-log(1-exp(-|x|)) on [-c,c], c=1
Binet weight function Computer Science Mathematics Matlab Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=-log(1-exp(-x)) on [0,c], c=1
Binet-like weight functions Computer Science Mathematics Matlab Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for orthogonal polynomials relative to the Bose-Einstein weight function w(x)=x/(e^x-1) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_boseeinstein(100,1,32)
Bose-Einstein distribution Computer Science Equation Table Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Matlab OPQ routine Orthogonal polynomials Quadrature and cubature formulas Walter Gautschi Archives
32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for orthogonal polynomials relative to the Bose-Einstein weight function w(x)=[x/(e^x-1)]^2 computed by the SOPQ routine sr_boseeinstein(100,2,32)
Bose-Einstein distribution Computer Science Equation Table Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Matlab OPQ routine Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives
32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for orthogonal polynomials relative to the Bose-Einstein weight function w(x)=[x/(e^x-1)]^3 computed by the routine sr_boseeinstein(100,3,32)
Bose-Einstein distribution Computer Science Equation Table Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Matlab OPQ routine Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives
32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for orthogonal polynomials using the Bose-Einstein weight function: w(x)=[x/(e^x-1)]^4 computed by the SOPQ routine sr_boseeinstein(100,4,32)
Bose-Einstein distribution Computer Science Equation Table Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Matlab OPQ routine Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives
32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the Fermi-Dirac weight function w(x)=1/(e^x+1) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_fermidirac(100,1,32)
Computer Science Equation Table Fermi Dirac weight Function Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Matlab OPQ routine Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives
32-digit values of the first 100 beta coefficients relative to the Freud weight function w(x)=exp(-x^10}) computed on R by the SOPQ routine sr_freud(100,0,10,32)
Computer Science Equation Table Freud polynomials Freud weight function Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Matlab OPQ routine Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives
32-digit values of the first 100 beta coefficients relative to the Freud weight function w(x)=exp(-x^4) computed on R by the SOPQ routine sr_freud(100,0,4,32)
Computer Science Equation Table Freud polynomials Freud weight function Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Matlab OPQ routine Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives
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