
subject: Agronomy

Total is 104 Results
Data for growing season nitrous oxide emissions from a Gray Luvisol as a function of long-term fertilization history and crop rotation


Dick Puurveen , Mekonnen Giweta , Miles Dyck , Sukdhev S. Malhi , Sylvie Quideau


Data from 5 growing seasons (2013–2017) investigating long-term fertilization and crop rotation effects on growing season soil N2O and CO2 emissions, wheat yield and N uptake, N2O emission intensity and soil properties on a Gray Luvisol.

4R Agronomy IPNI Nitrous Oxide Soil Emissions Soil Fertility

Evaluation of nitrogen stabilizers - nitrogen use efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in Alberta cereal crops


Dick Puurveen , Len Kryzanowski , Miles Dyck , Yuanpei Gao


These data files summarize spring wheat yields and annual soil N2O emissions (non-steady-state chamber measurements) at two sites in Alberta, Canada (Lethbridge and Ellerslie) over 2016 and 2017.

4R Agronomy IPNI Nitrogen Fertilizer Nitrous Oxide Soil Emissions

Geospatial Image Data for Sorghum Phenotyping


Ayman F Habib ORCID logo , Ed Delp ORCID logo , Keith A Cherkauer ORCID logo , Larry L. Biehl ORCID logo , Melba M Crawford , Mitchell Tuinstra ORCID logo


This publication includes sample rgb and hyperspectral image data collected in 2018 by unmanned aerial systems for a Sorghum Phenotying and Trait Analysis project being conducted at Purdue's Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE).

Agronomy hyperspectral Phenotyping Remote Sensing Sorghum UAS

Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region 2018


Gary Nowling , Guohong Cai


This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2018 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.

Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Soybeans USDA-ARS

Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center (SEPAC) drainage research data, 1984-2020


Eileen J Kladivko ORCID logo , Giorgi Chighladze ORCID logo , Laura C Bowling ORCID logo , Lori Abendroth ORCID logo


This dataset contains research data obtained during a long-term subsurface drainage research project conducted at the Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center in Jennings County, Indiana, from 1984 to 2020.

Agronomy Corn Crop yield Drainage Indiana

Tile discharge, dissolved reactive phosphorus concentrations and loads for the WQFS (Water year 2011 – 2013).


Jeffrey J. Volenec ORCID logo , Margaret Gitau ORCID logo , Nicole S. De Armond , Pauline Welikhe , Ronald F. Turco ORCID logo , Sylvie M. Brouder ORCID logo


The data included here are for the WQFS tile discharge, DRP concentrations and loads for the Miscanthus x giganteus, continuous maize with residue removal, and switchgrass variety Shawnee treatments only.

Agronomy Dissolved reactive phosphorus P sink soils P source soils Phosphorus loss Tile discharge Water Quality water quality data Water Quality Field Station

R Pipeline for Calculation of APSIM Parameters and Generating the XML File


Kai-Wei Yang , Mitchell Tuinstra ORCID logo , Scott Chapman


A pipeline to generate the XML parameter file for APSIM was developed in R. The files and R codes are reported in "R Pipeline for Calculation of APSIM Parameters and Generating the XML File".

Agronomy APSIM Crop Growth Models APSIM Pipeline Remote Sensing

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Results 61 - 70 of 104