Benjamin Dickerhoff
David Saloner
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Susanne Schnell
Vitaliy Rayz
In silico CFD dataset from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box
Benjamin Dickerhoff
David Saloner
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Susanne Schnell
Vitaliy Rayz
In vitro STB dataset from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box
Benjamin Dickerhoff
David Saloner
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Susanne Schnell
Vitaliy Rayz
Data from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models, processed using Shake the Box (STB). Associated in vivo MRI and CFD datasets are also provided.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box
James Krogmeier
Yaguang Zhang
GPS data for agricultural vehicles collected during wheat harvesting.
Activity Recognition Agriculture Digital Agriculture Electrical and Computer Engineering Field Shape GPS Matlab Traceability Wheat Harvesting
Javad Eshraghi
Pavlos Vlachos
Sunny Jung
Data from the water entry of hydrophobic spheres experiment used to reveal the criteria in the occurrence of surface seal.
Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics image processing Matlab Mechanical Engineering Physics
A set of MATLAB scripts related to orthogonal polynomials relative to a generalized Marchenko–Pastur measure
Computer Science Mathematics Matlab Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Modified Chebyshev algorithm Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
Lalit Rajendran
Pavlos Vlachos
Sally P M Bane
A dot tracking method to process BOS images that improves the accuracy, precision, and spatial resolution of the measurements
Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering background oriented schlieren image processing Matlab particle tracking velocimetry
James Krogmeier
Yaguang Zhang
GPS data for agricultural vehicles collected during wheat harvesting.
Activity Recognition Agriculture Digital Agriculture Electrical and Computer Engineering Field Shape GPS Harvest Matlab Traceability Wheat
Benjamin Dickerhoff
David Saloner
Melissa Brindise
Michael Markl
Pavlos Vlachos
Sean Rothenberger
Susanne Schnell
Vitaliy Rayz
Data from a pulsatile volumetric particle velocimetry study using two patient-specific cerebral aneurysm models, processed using Shake the Box (STB). Associated in vivo MRI and CFD datasets are also provided.
Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics Matlab MRI PIV Shake the Box
32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=log^2(1-a*exp(-|x|)) on [-Inf,Inf], a = 1/2
Binet weight function Computer Science Mathematics Matlab Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
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Results 61 - 70 of 92