subject: Forestry and Natural Resources
Liuying Du
Nikhil Sangwan
Venkatesh Mohan Merwade
This dataset provides a shapefile showing the natural floodplain for Pennsylvania. These floodplain polygons for the entire state are extracted from the gSSURGO soil data from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
biota Environment floodplain maps Forestry and Natural Resources Geographic Information Systems (GIS) geoscientific gSSURGO soil Data Hydrology inland water Pennsylvania shapefile
Liuying Du
Nikhil Sangwan
Venkatesh Mohan Merwade
This dataset provides a shapefile showing the natural floodplain for Rhode Island. These floodplain polygons for the entire state are extracted from the gSSURGO soil data from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
biota Environment floodplain maps Forestry and Natural Resources Geographic Information Systems (GIS) geoscientific gSSURGO soil Data Hydrology inland water Rhode Island shapefile
Andrew Liebhold
Frank Krist
Katie A. Grong
Ningning Kong
Randall Morin
Shirley Li
Songlin Fei
Susan Crocker
The dataset includes pest distribution at the county-level. It has 74 species of forest insects and 15 species of forest pathogens.
Ecology Forest Ecology Forest Insects Forestry Forestry and Natural Resources Invasive Pests Invasive Species natural resources
Cassie Hudson
Landon Richard Jones
Patrick A Zollner
Rob Swihart
Scott Johnson
Data and code to run habitat selection by bobcats in south-central Indiana using Random Forest
bobcat Forestry and Natural Resources habitat selection Indiana Lynx rufus Random Forest
Cassie Hudson
David Gleich
Geriann Albers
Landon Jones
Patrick Zollner
Robert Swihart
Scott Johnson
Example data and code to run maximum clique analysis for female bobcat (Lynx rufus) territories in the state of Indiana, USA
ensembles of small models Forestry and Natural Resources habitat suitability home range capacity landscape carrying capacity maximum clique analysis
Jeffrey S Dukes
Jonathan Knott
Liang Liang
Robert Swihart
Songlin Fei
The files in this repository contain autumn and spring phenology data from a northern red oak (Quercus rubra) common garden at Martell Forest, West Lafayette, IN.
common garden diameter Forestry and Natural Resources northern red oak oak phenology provenance test Quercus rubra
Elizabeth B Allmon
Jason T. Hoverman
Linda S. Lee
Maria S. Sepúlveda
Tyler D. Hoskins
Wes Flynn
Youn jJong Choi
Leopard frog tadpoles exposed to either 0.5 ppb or 1 ppb of either PFOS or PFHxS or a mixture of 0.5 ppb PFOS and 0.5 ppb PFHxS throughout metamorphosis. Responses measured included survival, mass, SVL, SMI, PFAS body burdens, and BCFs.
Amphibian ecotoxicology Forestry and Natural Resources PFAS PFHxS PFOS
Ann Christine Caitlin
Chloe DePerre
Grace Coogan
Jason T. Hoverman
Linda S. Lee
Mahsa Modiri
Maria S. Sepúlveda
Tyler D Hoskins
Wes Flynn
Youn Jeong Choi
We exposed Northern leopard frogs to mixtures of PFAS reflective of AFFF sites and found stage specific effects, including reduced body condition at day 21 and decreased mass relative to the control.
Amphibian Forestry and Natural Resources frogs growth PFAS PFOA PFOS
Elizabeth B Allmon
Jason Conder
Jason T. Hoverman
Linda Lee
Maria S. Sepúlveda
Robert W Flynn
Tyler D Hoskins
Youn Choi
Zacharias Pandelides
This dataset includes data from several studies used to develop PFAS toxicity reference values for amphibians.
amphibians ecotoxicity Forestry and Natural Resources PFAS PFHxS PFOA PFOS
Density surface modelling of intraspecific classes using camera-trap-distance-sampling data and hierarchical generalized additive modelling.
abundance deer density surface modelling Forestry and Natural Resources generalized additive model precision recruitment Remote Sensing ungulate
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