subject: Forestry and Natural Resources
Supplemental Table 4.1: Measured concentrations (µg/L) of all constituent PAHs present in each of 4 100% HEWAF solutions made with 1 g OFS and 1 L 25 ppt artificial seawater. ND = not detected.
Deepwater Horizon Forestry and Natural Resources HEWAF high energy water accommodated fraction PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Elizabeth Allmon dissertation, Supplemental Table 5.1: Cardiac function & Geometry statistics
Cardiac development Cardiac geometry Cardiac morphology Forestry and Natural Resources Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes Statistics
Elizabeth Allmon dissertation; Supplemental Table 5.2: Shear dependent factor statistics
blood dynamic viscosity Cardiac development Cardiac shear dependent factors Forestry and Natural Resources Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes Statistics wall shear stress
Elizabeth Allmon dissertation; Supplemental Table 5.3: Gene expression Statistics
Cardiac development Forestry and Natural Resources Gene Expression Japanese medaka mechano-genetic Oryzias latipes Statistics
Chelsea E. Clyde-Brockway
Christina R. Ferreira
Elizabeth A Flaherty
Frank Paladino
Data from multiple reaction monitoring profiling evaluating the relative ion intensities of lipid classes in plasma from sea turtles.
Chelonia myda Eretmochelys imbricata Forestry and Natural Resources lipid profiles Mass Spectrometry MRM-profiling
Daniel K. Rucinski
Leah Zoe Almeida
Tim Sesterhenn
Tomas Höök
Metadata, model code, and output data for the study "Nutrient loading effects on fish habitat quality: Trade-offs between enhanced production and hypoxia in Lake Erie, North America".
bioenergetics Climate Change eutrophication Forestry and Natural Resources growth rate potential model Lake Erie
Jason T. Hoverman
Logan Scott Billet
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Temperature affects the toxicity of pesticides to cercariae of the trematode Echinostoma trivolvis" by LS Billet, A Belskis, and JT Hoverman published in the journal Aquatic Toxicology.
Echinostomatidae ecotoxicology Forestry and Natural Resources fungicide herbicide Insecticides Parasite survival analysis
Gary Hoover
Jason T. Hoverman
Linda Lee
Maria Sepulveda
Michael Iacchetta
Samuel Guffey
Weiming Li
Wes Flynn
This experiment examined the effects of PFAS on growth and development in American toads, eastern tiger salamanders and northern leopard frogs.
amphibians Forestry and Natural Resources frogs PFAS PFOA PFOS salamanders toads
Cassie Hudson
Landon Richard Jones
Patrick A Zollner
Rob Swihart
Scott Johnson
Data and code to run habitat selection by bobcats in south-central Indiana using Random Forest
bobcat Forestry and Natural Resources habitat selection Indiana Lynx rufus Random Forest
Cassie Hudson
David Gleich
Geriann Albers
Landon Jones
Patrick Zollner
Robert Swihart
Scott Johnson
Example data and code to run maximum clique analysis for female bobcat (Lynx rufus) territories in the state of Indiana, USA
ensembles of small models Forestry and Natural Resources habitat suitability home range capacity landscape carrying capacity maximum clique analysis
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Results 81 - 90 of 134