subject: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mireille Boutin
Sangchun Han
The source code of RP1D (Clustering Method Using 1D Random Projections).
Clustering Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering Random Projection Source Code
Cheng-Kok Koh
Rickard F Ewetz
This repository contains experimental data related to our ASP-DAC 2015 and ISPD 2015 publications.
benchmark testing clock synthesis clock trees clocks Complexity Theory design aids dynamic scheduling Electrical and Computer Engineering fast clock skew scheduling integrated circuits multi-corner multi-mode optimization skew time measurement timing VLSI
Jonas Hepp
Mireille Boutin
Yellamraju Tarun
This code computed a sequence of bounds for the error rate of a pattern recognition method. The bounds correspond to the error rate that one would expect to achieve by simply selecting features at random and thresholding the feature (TARP) approach.
classification Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering feature evaluation image processing image recognition Pattern Recognition Pedestrian Classification
Rodrigo Castellanos
Zhongming Liu
This Matlab toolbox includes signal processing functions to remove gradient and pulse artifacts in EEG data recorded simultaneously with fMRI. It is distributed as a GUI plugin for EEGLAB.
Bioinformatics Biomedical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering fMRI-EEG independent component analysis Signal Processing Singular value decomposition
Kelsie Larson
Mireille Boutin
The TARP method uses random projections, followed by threshold classifications, to construct receiver-operating characteristic curves and uncover underlying structure in the given data.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Machine Learning Receiver Operating Characteristics ROC curve Signal Processing Target Detection
Rodrigo Castellanos
Zhongming Liu
This Matlab toolbox includes signal processing functions to remove gradient and pulse artifacts in EEG data recorded simultaneously with fMRI. It is distributed as a GUI plugin for EEGLAB.
Bioinformatics Biomedical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering fMRI-EEG independent component analysis Signal Processing Singular value decomposition
Jonas Hepp
Mireille Boutin
Yellamraju Tarun
This code computed a sequence of bounds for the error rate of a pattern recognition method. The bounds correspond to the error rate that one would expect to achieve by simply selecting features at random and thresholding the feature (TARP) approach.
classification Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering feature evaluation image processing image recognition Pattern Recognition Pedestrian Classification
Cheng-Kok Koh
Rickard F. Ewetz
Shankarshana Janarthanan
This repository contains experimental data related to our ASP-DAC 2015, ISPD 2015, and DAC2015 publications.
benchmark testing clock synthesis clock trees clocks Complexity Theory design aids dynamic scheduling Electrical and Computer Engineering fast clock skew scheduling integrated circuits multi-corner multi-mode optimization skew time measurement timing VLSI
Deena Alabed
Mireille Boutin
Tiberius Wehrly
Photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals collected from five subjects in three scenarios that vary in the level of activity, measured using Asiawill Pulse Heart Rate sensor implemented in an Arduino-based wearable sensor-kit.
Asiawill Pulse Sensor Electrical and Computer Engineering Health Monitoring Device Matlab Photoplethysmogram PPG
Deena Alabed
Mireille Boutin
Tiberius Wehrly
Photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals collected from nine subjects in a still seated position, measured using Asiawill Pulse Heart Rate sensor implemented in an Arduino-based wearable sensor-kit.
Asiawill Pulse Sensor Electrical and Computer Engineering Health Monitoring Device Matlab Photoplethysmogram PPG
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