subject: Corn subject: 4R Nutrient Management subject: Maize
Alison J Eagle , Ardell D. Halvorson , Bijesh Maharjan , Craig F. Drury , Douglas R. Smith , G. Philip Robertson , John P. Hoben , Rodney T. Venterea , Timothy B. Parkin
Data used in Eagle et al. 2017 (Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81:1191–1202; doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.09.0281). Fertilizer Management and Environmental Factors Drive N2O and NO3 Losses in Corn: A Meta-Analysis
4R Nutrient Management Agriculture Climate Change Corn Empirical Models Hierarchical Model IPNI Maize Meta-analysis Nitrate Leaching Nitrogen Nitrogen Fertilizer Nitrous Oxide North America Synthesis Water Quality
Alicia West
Garrett S Verhagen
Terry D West
Tony J Vyn
Nutrient analysis (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, B, and Al) of corn grain at R6 across seven site-years involving tillage, crop rotation, nitrogen (2015-19), and sulfur treatments (2020-21). Part of the Long-Term Tillage study in West Lafayette, IN.
4R Nutrient Management Agronomy chisel-plow conservation tillage Corn crop rotation grain moisture grain nutrient Grain Yield kernel number kernel weight Maize moldboard-plow no-till nutrient removal plant height plant population planting date Purdue University Soybean strip-till
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