
subject: Mechanical Engineering

Total is 32 Results
MicroCT based FE model of single bone trabeculae with tissue heterogeneity and anisotropy


Joseph Wallace , Matthew R Allen , Max Hammond , Thomas Siegmund ORCID logo


This publication contains a finite element model for the analysis of single bone trabeculae under consideration of bone tissue heterogeneity and tissue anisotropy.

Biomedical Engineering Bone Finite Element Analysis Mechanical Engineering

Cyclic Voltammetry analysis of catalyst degradation modes in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells


Navneet Goswami ORCID logo , Partha Mukherjee ORCID logo


This mathematical model helps simulate a cyclic voltammogram (CV) response based on the propensity of catalyst particles towards dissolution and/ or oxidation mechanisms.

catalyst degradation electrocatalysis electrochemistry Matlab Mechanical Engineering polymer electrolyte fuel cells simulation modelling

Jupyter Notebook for Reduced models of unidirectional flows in compliant rectangular ducts at finite Reynolds number


Ivan C. Christov ORCID logo , Xiaojia Wang


The Jupyter Notebook generates all the data and makes all the plots in the published paper "Reduced models of unidirectional flows in compliant rectangular ducts at finite Reynolds number" by Wang and Christov in Phys. Fluids, 2021.

boundary value problem fluid-structure interactions laminar flow lubrication theory matched asymptotics Mechanical Engineering microfluidics soft hydraulics viscous fluid flow

ABAQUS Code for the Simulation of Interlocked Irregular Square Tilings


Dong Young Kim , Thomas H Siegmund ORCID logo


A set of three input files for ABAQUS models to simulate the response of interlocked irregular square tilings subjected to displacement loading.

Abaqus Finite Element Analysis Mechanical Engineering Tessellation Topologically Interlocked Material

X-ray radiography datasets for tomographic reconstruction of liquid jet breakup dynamics


Naveed Al Hasib Rahman ORCID logo


Quantitative tomographic X-ray measurements of liquid breakup dynamics in doublet impinging jet sprays are explored. The datasets included allow for time-resolved 4D volumetric and time-averaged 2D planar reconstructions of an impinging jet spray.

high-speed imaging impinging jet spray liquid mass distribution Mechanical Engineering synchrotron tomography X-ray radiography X-ray tube source

To Seal or Not To Seal: Study of Splashes


Javad Eshraghi ORCID logo , Pavlos Vlachos ORCID logo , Sunny Jung


Data from the water entry of hydrophobic spheres experiment used to reveal the criteria in the occurrence of surface seal.

Experimental Tests Fluid Mechanics image processing Matlab Mechanical Engineering Physics

Estimation of the Probability Density Function of Random Displacements from Images


Adib Ahmadzadegan ORCID logo , Arezoo Ardekani , Pavlos Vlachos ORCID logo


We introduce a novel approach to Image-based Probability Estimation of Displacement (iPED) which is direct estimation of the PDF of displacement of racers within images. Data sets to reproduce the plots and sample images are available here.

Diffusion measurement image processing Mechanical Engineering particle image velocimetry Probability density function estimation Random Process

ABAQUS Python Code for the Simulation of Topologically Interlocked Material Systems Based on Archimedean and Laves Tilings


Andrew Williams , Thomas H. Siegmund ORCID logo


A set of six python scripts that parametrically generate ABAQUS models to simulate the response of TIM systems based on the Archimedean and Laves tilings subjected to body force and displacement loading. These were created for a Master's Thesis at...

Abaqus Finite Element Analysis Finite Element Model Mechanical Engineering Python Code Tesselation Topologically Interlocked Material

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